#40 - Take notes

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TW - Strong Language, mild depiction of violence. 

When they got back to base Bridey had demanded they take Raelle to the Infirmary and they didn't feel like disagreeing, she was right, the blonde was in bad shape. Carmen had debated trying to heal and fix Raelle but she didn't want to take the chance of doing it wrong and making everything worse.

Once the fixers came in the girls were ushered out of the room, Tally pacing whilst Abigail and Carmen leaned up against the wall, waiting. Sergeant Anacostia walked up to the trio with a solum look on her face however, they didn't notice her until she cleared her throat. The noise made Carmen jump out of her skin. The three girls stand to attention, looking at the woman waiting for her to speak. 

"Ladies." She nodded, she turns her attention to Carmen. "Private Ullsthorpe, will you come with me please."

"Me?" Carmen points to her, eyes furrowing.

"That is what I said." She tells the girl, Carmen looks back at Abigail who shrugs. 

"We'll be here." She whispers to Carmen, trying to reassure the girl that they'll stay with Raelle. Carmen nods, looking back at Anacostia who is quick to turn and walk away expecting Carmen to follow, which she did. 

Carmen quickened her pace so she was matching Anacostia's strides, "Can I ask where we're going?" 

"General Alder has a task for you." She informs the girl. Panic ran through Carmen's veins, what would Alder need or want from her so soon? What if it's something she didn't want to do. 

"W-what, General Alder?" 

"Umhm." Anacostia glances at Carmen, noticing her panicked expression."Listen Private." The two stop their walk, Anacostia turning to face the smaller girl. "Just stay quiet and do as you're told, understood?" Carmen nods. "General Alder seems to have taken an interest in you." The woman doesn't miss the dissatisfied look that flashes across Carmen's face, whilst Anacostia hadn't been told specifics she had a good idea why Alder was zoned in on the girl. "Come on." The pair continue their walk that takes them far down towards the lower levels of Fort Salem that Carmen has never seen before. 

The corridors were dark and narrow but Anacostia lead them easily, finally making it to a small opening where General Alder and her Biddies were waiting in front of a heavy duty looking door. 

"Ah, Private Ullsthorpe. Nice to see you again." General Alder smiled at the girl but it failed to reach her eyes, and the small scowls coming from her Biddies weren't missed by Carmen. Carmen only nodded in response, perhaps taking Anacostia's advice too literal. Alder took in a deep inhale, "Sergeant." She looks at Anacostia who seems to understand the silent order, slipping through the large door and closing it behind her. Leaving Carmen alone with Alder and the Biddies.

 Alder now looks back to Carmen, "How's Private Collar?" Carmen was stunned how fast the news had travelled but it also didn't surprise her. Carmen simply nods, unsure how to answer. "Grief, a powerful emotions." A small chuckle comes from the General and Carmen raises an eyebrow at the notion of it, was Alder laughing about what's happened? 

Alder noticed Carmen's almost disapproving look and returned it with her signature stern one, "What's in this room is confidential, not to spoken about with other recruits. Understood?" She tells her in a serious tone.

"Understood." She quickly responded, her curiosity peaking. A few muffled voices can be heard coming from the other side of the door and then suddenly it opens, Anacostia and Izadora come back through the door. 

"All yours General." Anacostia smiles wickedly at Alder and Carmen just watches everything unfold. 

"Thank you, Sergeant." She says, walking up to the door and then look back at Carmen and gesturing her over. "On me Private." She demands. Carmen slowly walks over, standing beside the General and taking in a deep breath, what was behind the door? "Open the door." General Alder calls out and not a second later it slides open.

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