#10 - Cheap Shot

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Back in the infirmary oblivious to the outside world, Raelle is looking through the stack of letters her Dad gave her before she got conscripted, they were from her mom.

There's one letter that catches her eye, it contains a symbol on the bottom right corner, she recognises it as one her mother had taught her and starts she tracing her pinky over the symbol's lines and the work does its job. Within seconds Raelle is not in the infirmary bed anymore, at least not visually anyways. She can still feel it below her but mentally she's where her mother's letter has taken her, Liberia.

Hearing her mother's voice this way is not the same but its the best she'll get so Raelle embraces the usual warmth the tingles in her heart from it, yet its never quite strong enough to overshadow the truth of her mom being gone. Feeling herself getting lost in her thoughts she attempts to concentrate on the words her mom is saying.

"We dropped into Liberia last night under the cover of a monsoon. But they knew we were coming." The images filling Raelle's vision was that of her mother's memories of the moments she writes, she walks down a concrete corridor of what Raelle assumes is a bunker, sparks flying off the cables around them. "The Spree militia sings some evil songs at us, day and night and now we can't get out." Now she stands looking at the rain that's down-pours from the sky as thunder crackles above. "I blame our fearless leader. She has endangered us needlessly on numerous occasions, most critically this last drop. She's done this to us, her hight haughtiness, General Petra Bellweather."

With that her mother's letter ends and Raelle is brought out of Liberia and into the Fort Salem infirmary with a new kind of rage bubbling up inside her. General Petra Bellweather, Abigail's mother.

"Not to brag-"

"But?" Carmen cuts Veronica off. Both girls grabbing a scourge each, a weapon that resembles a similarity to that of a whip but in the hands of a witch, is much deadlier.

"I've used one of these before, prepared to get your butt handed to you Ullsthorpe."

"What makes you think I haven't, Hollow?" Graces watches the competition arise between her unit and lets the two get on with it, not wanting to join in feeling like she doesn't stand a chance anyways.

"Oh, fighting talk. Learn that from the Bellweathers?" Veronica teases Carmen in attempt to get a rise out of but she remains as calm as ever, something that aggravates Veronica instead, finding it hard to get the hazel-haired girl to be anything but laid-back and just chill.

Instead of a reply Carmen simply starts the sparring and despite the lack of warning Veronica picks up and matches the pace easily. The two attacking and defending where needed, both almost evenly matched it seems. Carmen attempts to go for Veronica's feet but she is quick to jump back and out of reach with a smirk.

"Cheap shot." But Carmen simply shrugs, her focus never leaving Veronica's body.

It's true that Veronica's mother made her train every day since she was young however, training for so long has made Veronica to create habits, patterns, favour certain moves and it didn't take long for Carmen to pick up on a few. She figures that if she just keeps going long enough she can catch her at just the right second and...boom. Again Carmen goes her Veronica foot but this time it catches and she yanks her to the floor with a thud.

"Ow." Carmen walks over, offering her hand. "Luck."

"Sure." Carmen winks at Veronica and wags her hand at her, she takes it.

Veronica now standing up pushes herself off, "Grace, your turn." Grace and Carmen switch places and now Carmen watches on from the side, Veronica is a much more dominant in attacking in comparison to Grace, Carmen notes. Carmen also notices Grace's desire but hesitation to go on the attack,

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