#22 - Confused and Conflicted

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The weather is perfect not too hot or too cold, it couldn't get any better... at least it seemed it couldn't.

"Ms. Bellweather." A gentlemen calls as he walks up to the Bellweather's picnic area. Like all the units, Tally, Raelle and Abigail sit a beautifully patterned blanket that contains small cushions and a table holding grapes, many cheese, bread and a selection of beverages for the girls. A perk of the Beltane festivities Raelle doesn't seem to be minding.

Abigail looks up from her cup at the handsome man approaching them. She looks him up and down in a hungry manner and his smile deepens.

"Slake your thirst with some mead?" He flirts.

"How did you know?" She plays along, he hands her a glass bottle full to the brim with mead. "Thank you. What's your name?" Abigail asks.

"Clive Garland." He answers.

Abigail looks behind him, "And what's his name?" She points to a man sat down with Libba's unit, Libba all over the man.

"That's my friend, Agustin Alcala." He informs Abigail with a smile.

"Clive, do you think you could rescue your friend from that sea hag and bring him over here?"

Clive stretches his arms out chuckling slightly, "I'm at your service. I'll be right back." He starts walking backwards, holding Abigail's eyes before quickly turning and heading in the direction of his friend.

Abigail turns to her unit, biting her lip. "Good attitude. I can work with that." She informs them, Raelle smiles shaking her head. Raelle notices Tally's glazed over look, the girl looking off further into the large field, she follows her gaze and sees that it lands upon Gerit who sits with some other recruits.

She lets out a huff, "Just go talk to him already."

"And say what?" Tally whines, she pries her eyes back to the unit. "Hi, I'm Tally, complete virgin and hot for any part of you that's available?" She mocks herself in a panicked tone.

Raelle lets out a snort, "How about just, hi." She suggests, Tally lets out a sigh.

"Look, it doesn't matter what you say. Let him do all the heavy lifting." Abigail confidently informs Tally.

"She's right." Witchfather approaches the girls, a smirk on his face. "Ladies. Are you enjoying yourselves?" He politely asks.

"Very much so. Thank you. Witchfather." Tally replies looking up at the tall and incredibly handsome man.


Abigail shifts to look at him properly, "Do you have time to have a drink with us, Witchfather." She tries her luck with the older man who laughs.

"Oh, Ms. Bellweather. You remind me of your mother. Shameless."

"Oh, I take that as a compliment, Sir. Shame is for civilians."

The Bellweather unit give Witchfather a smile as he nods to leave, all having found the conversation incredibly amusing.

Carmen brushes a wet strand of hair out of her face as she squashes the cabled telephone between her ear and her shoulder so that she can finish fixing the collar of her jacket, still sorting herself after having showered all the mud off.

"Hello?" A young voice finally answers from the other end of the telephone. Carmen stops fiddling with her uniform and grabs the phone.

"Callie?" She questions into the phone, the familiar voice of her 12 year old sister was not the person she expected to answer the call.

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