#111 - Not your Sisters

122 13 1

TW - Strong language and depictions of gore/violence.

So trying to bang the door down didn't work, no matter how start they hit, kick or punched it no one came.

"Thelma!" Tally screamed.

"Bearkiller, open up!" Abigail yelled too.

"Maybe the wards block out the sound too." Scylla thought.

Myka scoffed, "Of course they do!"

"Or the Camarilla already got her." Everyone side glanced at Adil's lack of optimism, he usually wasn't the first one to jump to the negative scenario, that was usually Nicte's job.

Carmen's mind instantly went to Nicte, had she gotten out? She was momentarily thankful for her Unit not being at the manor right now.

"We need to get control of this situation before..." Abigail was interrupted by a oncoming yell. The group turn wide eyed to see Myka sprinting full force down the corridor towards the door.

"Ahhh!!" She screamed as she slammed her body against the door, it didn't open.

Everyone gawked at her.

Then the lift bell behind them dinged. Adil, Tally, Scylla and Abigail all turn in unison to look at the lift, each taking a small step towards it as Carmen helps Myka up from the floor.

"You aren't seriously going towards the lift? Haven't you watched any horror film!" Carmen protested but they ignored her, continuing their wary steps towards the open lift that seemed to have nobody inside.

Old time music played into the corridor from the lift, the kind you'd expect to come from it or an even a war time film, both work.

The lift looked empty but someone had to have pressed the button, and the doors. The group stopped a short distance away and just as they did someone peered their head out of the lift, Alban fucking Hearst.

He stepped out into view, a bandage around his neck that had a small amount of red seeping out the front. He began to sing along with the lift music.

"Just like a dream." His voice broke multiple times, but it wasn't like a normal puberty thing there was more to it, Carmen felt it right away. She felt like scratching at her ears as the shiver ran up her spine.

"To me." He longed out the final note, sniggered at the end.

"You're sick." Carmen spat at him, her glare was deadly. The rest of the group were puzzled by his appearance but had made the connection yet.

He walked a small distance towards the group, no sense of fear despite it being one versus six.

Hearst laughed, "Abigail, I love what you've done with your hair."

She pulled a face of disgust, "I knew I should have let Carmen finish you off when we had the chance."

"Let's not make that mistake again." Scylla added in.

"Agreed." Carmen's tone took Abigail a little by surprise, it was so full of hate but with everything the man has done she shouldn't be. If only he knew what else he'd done too.

"By the blast of God, they perish." Hearst opened his mouth and screamed at them, Carmen lifted her arms up to defend the group from the oncoming attack she sensed but alas she forgot about the collar. The entire group got sent flying back, he Windstriked them.

Hearst was proud of his work, chuckling as he witnessed how it had all worked, he felt powerful.

"What the fuck!" Myka quickly put the dots together, the bandage on his neck and his sudden ability to do Work... he'd replaced his vocal chords with a witches.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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