#97 - Wrong one

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When they team got back to Fort Salem they had a whole audience stood outside waiting for them. General Alder station at the tip of the formation as she waited with anticipation to see the corpse of a familiar face, she was definitely going to be surprised.

Raelle, Abigail and Tally got out of one truck and Carmen a separate one, she hadn't wanted to be near Raelle anymore than needed, she was thankful for the small amount of time alone. She kept running through the past 72 hours in her head, had she done something wrong to make her turn her back on her and go for Scylla? Was Raelle upset with her for getting captured or tortured? How had everything suddenly gotten so... her mind wondered to Myka's description of it all, messy. How had everything gotten so messy?

Carmen couldn't even enjoy the hint of surprise on Alder's face as they pulled a very much alive and kicking Nicte Batan out of the truck, the Biddie's hissed viciously in the woman's direction.

"This is feeling a little medieval." Tally commented as she took in the amount of spectators. 

For the first time since meeting her, Nicte Batan looking scared. She too was taking in the audience and her current situation and she saw no way out.

"What is this?" General Alder quietly asked Petra who stood beside her keeping her pride and happiness hidden. 

Petra looked to Alder, "Be careful, General. You have an audience." By now it was clear to Alder that Petra had some doing in this but the woman was right, she couldn't reaction with all the eyes on them.

She turned to look at Anacostia who stood on the other side of her, she gave her a glare questioning if she was in on this too.

"I knew nothing." She quickly reassured the General. 

General Alder took in a deep breath, she had wanted Batan dead yet here she was stood before her, looking as youthful as the General herself despite them both being hundreds of years old. Alder walked forward, a plan forming with each step.

"This is a momentous occasion." She projected her voice, "We have captured Nicte Batan, the founder of the Spree."

Everyone stomped their feet in celebration.

"For the civilians she's killed. For the witches who lost their lives in defence of those civilians. This victory will go down in history, and it belongs to all of us." Carmen couldn't help but mentally scoff at the whole speech Alder was spewing out, on top of what Tally had told them and just experience Alder in general she always knew there was an alternative motive to most things the woman does. 

Nicte thrashed against her restraints and against the cadets holding her in place but it was no use, with each word Nicte's heart pumped quicker. The look on her face almost made Carmen feel bad for her, it was genuine fear. 

"Nicte will pay for her crimes." General Alder declared. 

Against, everyone stomped their feet in celebration, all except Tally. 

General Alder step back into her original position between Petra and Anacostia. She didn't turn to look at Petra but both knew who she was talking to. "This is still my army. Don't forget that." She said to Petra. 

Abigail and Raelle noticed that Tally wasn't stomping her feet and they found it odd but chose not to question her, with everything she knew about what happened between Nicte and Alder they weren't entirely surprised. What did surprise them is what she said next.

"The only one who's going to pay is you." She hadn't said it loud enough for anyone but Abigail and Tally to hear, maybe Carmen too if she had been paying attention. 

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