#66 - Seeing... sound?

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Carmen's POV

My head kills! Feel like I've been hit by a truck. I bring my hand up to my head but its met with a cloth like material and that's when it all comes flooding back, the bell and the bag. I quickly ripped the bag off from over my head and see the others doing the same.

Looking around, we're somewhere else. No longer in the classroom but an attic like room full of clutter. 

"What is this?" Abigail voices. 

There were so many different sounds it was distracting, lights flickering, a radio playing, a million different types of buzzing.

"How the hell did we get here?" Raelle says what we're all thinking. 

"Where is here?" I ask back. 

Third POV

Tally got up from her spot on the floor, her instincts already taking her to the window. She moves the curtain to find a brick wall on the the other side of the window.

"The heck?" Carmen gets up and joins her by the window, looking at in confusion. 

Unlike Carmen, Tally's expression seemed like one of delight. She spun around to look at the others, "It's an exercise." She told them, slightly proud of herself for being the first to figure it out.

Raelle however, not as pleased with the discovery. "What, so we need to find a way out?" She said with some disbelief in her voice. 

"No, I don't think so." Tally ignored Raelle's tone. For some reason Tally felt in her element and almost excited about the new challenge. Carmen on the other hand just felt overwhelmed, with all the buzzing going on around her she felt like covering her ears and hiding in the corner until the others figured it out. 

"Is the noise not bothering anyone else?" Carmen complained, fidgeting with her ears slightly. The group looked at her with a puzzled look and she let out a nervous laugh, "Great. It's a me thing isn't it?" She groaned. If no one else was getting it then she figured it must be down to her ever so helpful gifts. 

Raelle walked over to Carmen and placed what she hoped was a comforting hand on her arm. Whilst Carmen was trying to remain composed, Raelle could see how uncomfortable she was. There was a lot of noises mixed in within the small space, sure they were annoying but they weren't bothering Raelle so the blonde could only wonder what Carmen was going through. 

"How many clocks does one room need?" Gregor commented as he looked over at the literal shelf full of clocks, as he said it some of their alarms un-ironically started to chime. Carmen visibly flinched at the added noise. 

More and more alarms started going off and it was evident that with each new one Carmen was slowly balling up towards the ground, Grace rushed over to her side in worry. Except now she wasn't the only one. Raelle grimaces at the sharp pain that shoots into her head, as do the others in the room.

"What's going on?" Veronica voices. 

"We need to find the source of the Working." Tally says with determination. The alarms died down and a calmness went over the room. Carmen took a deep breath of relief and with the help of Raelle and Grace she stood back up.

"Thanks." She said the Raelle with a smile. 

The Coven all started to look around the room, each scanning the items within the room to try and find which one of them held the Work within them. Abigail's eyes linger over a small wooden box that had its' lid open. It reminded her of the one Major Magda had on her desk. 

"Found it!" She said proudly, rushing over to grab it. 

Tally's head quickly spun in her direction, "That's not it!" She said confidently but Abigail had already smashed it against the wall. Yet, the collection of noise didn't subside... Tally was right, that wasn't it.

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