#11 - Seed Sound 32

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Abigail couldn't sleep that night, unsure whether it was from the fight or Tally's word after.

"You're both weak."

"Raelle in her avoidance of responsibility, and you in your contempt and superiority."

"I'm the one who should walk."

They rang in her head, Anacostia had told Tally about Abigail's terrible talk with Alder and now Abigail felt like Tally hated her almost as much as she hates Raelle. When the morning alarm went off Abigail was partly relieved to have the days events begun, something to focus her mind on but also she could really feel the lack of sleep this morning and knew it would take a toll sooner or later.

Raelle hadn't gone back to their suite that night. Instead she seemed comfort in the only place she hoped she could find it, Scylla's room.

"So that was your big plan, then?" Raelle looks at the brunette from across the room, she stands fixing her hair in the mirror as Raelle simply stands by the window still in the clothes she fought Abigail in. "Just ruin your chances for War College, get deployed too soon and get blown up on the front lines because you suck so bad. Die young, waste all that youth and beauty...and fury." Raelle turns her gaze away from the window and back to Scylla who looks at her in the mirror.

"Yeah, kinda like that, but faster."

Scylla scoffs. "Your plan was hot garbage." Raelle furrows her eyebrows at the remark, "even if it worked, its winning by losing."

"Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you, beautiful because there's no way out." Scylla's face doesn't even twitch at the fact Raelle just called her beautiful, as though she didn't hear it. She turns away from the mirror now facing Raelle her tone taking on a serious one.

"I know a way." A smile crosses Scylla's face, Raelle looks on at her in confusion, eager for her to say more but she doesn't. Instead Scylla closes the gap between then, going on her tip toes so that the two are level as she places her lips on Raelle's, only for a few seconds but that was all Raelle needs to understand.

She looks at the blue-eyed brunette who stares back, searching Raelle's eyes for some sort of sign. She notices her eyes flicker down to her lips , lingering before looking back at her own and she knew she was good. Scylla Ramshorn just kissed Raelle Collar and now Raelle was leaning into to kiss her again!

This time the kiss lasts a lot long then before, intensifying instantly. Raelle pushes Scylla back towards the wall so the two can steady themselves as they continue to kiss, smiles spreading across their faces, breathing heavy.

Raelle places on hand on Scylla's waist, sliding in down further as she places her mouth her Scylla's ear.

"Tell me."

Leaning into Raelle's touch, Scylla breathlessly speaks, "Let them train you. Let them make you powerful. The way over is under." Raelle looks at Scylla's gleaming face, smiling at her.


"The way out... is in." Having finished her piece Scylla eagerly kisses Raelle's lips, continuing the intensity.

The next day...

"Find your units, everyone." Sergeant Anacostia bellows.

Scattered around the room were several large tuning forks, each unit took their place surrounding one. A single light illuminates each tuning fork, creating a dark environment that Carmen actually favours, the dark helps her concentrate, you can't see the distractions.

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