#5 - First Day

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The best way to describe the sound coming from the training hall is, vocalisation. All young recruits stand in their units, dressed in their new pristine uniforms, an intimidating sight to stumble upon. The recruits reside within the walls of this hall, its many ledges acting as the perfect sized window for their trios to stand and project their work towards the circle holding a large amount of water in the centre of the room.

Their task was simple, within their unit they need to work together and focus on getting the water from the circle to trail back up towards them, the stronger and better the unit the more successful the work will be. 

Sergeant Anacostia stands in the centre of the room with several other higher ranked women observing and jotting down the units progress, watching the spirals of water for any falters. All seems well for now.

Carmen and her unit seem perfect, each doing their part. Grace takes the middle position whilst Veronica and Carmen stand either side of her, following Grace's lead with their voices. Slowly but surely their body of water starts rising, spiralling around itself as it grows higher, not a single drop escaping their work. One woman observes this, nodding she writes something in her notebook. The girls feel proud of their unit, already passing the first of many challenges as a unit.

If only the same could be said for the Bellweather unit. Abigail stands front and centre with Tally and Raelle at her sides, she leads her unit and Tally gives her full voice whilst Raelle... not so much. 

Sergeant Anacostia's focus is drawn to the only spiral of water that hasn't made it past the expected growth, she follows its direction and is both surprised and disappointed to see the Bellweather unit. More so, the lack of. Only Abigail and Tally stand by the ledge as Raelle has snuck out away from the task, something that infuriates and bewilders Abigail. Raelle's disregard will not go unnoticed by Abigail Bellweather or Sergeant Anacostia. 

Their first graded performance as a unit was over and now the recruits filter out the hall and into the barracks before their next session. Some whisper amongst their units, others simply sit in silence. 

Carmen and her unit were one of the last to leave the hall. Upon entering the common area of the barracks she was somewhat surprised to see a familiar face in front of her, Abigail Bellweather. Carmen mentally smacks herself for her surprise, of course she'd be here, she's a Bellweather. Abigail shares a similar expression on her face but it quickly turns into a smile.


"Bellweather." Carmen smiles at Abigail's happy tone at seeing her, she quickly nods to her unit and heads in the direction of her friend. "I don't know why I'm surprised" A nervous laugh escapes Carmen's lips and Abigail laughs with her as they embrace.

"It's good to see you Carm."

"You too Abi." Tally peers around from Abigail's shoulder with a smirk.

"Abi?" Tally raises a curious eyebrow and Abigail just looks at her, 

"Nicknames are earned, Craven."

"Sir, yes sir, Bellweather." Tally answers with a teasing salute, causing both Carmen and Abigail to chuckle. 

"Tally, Carmen Ullsthorpe. Carmen, Tally Craven. One third of my unit." Carmen shakes Tally's hand which she notes down is incredibly soft, she also recognises Tally from their first day. "Me and Carmen go way back, probably my longest friend." Abigail adds with pride and Carmen's dimples deepen at the complimenting way the Bellweather talks about her.  A small furrow appears in Carmen's eyebrows as she notes that there is indeed only two of them.

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