#4 - Meet and Greet

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All the new recruits were in the common area mingling with each other. Tally greets and speaks to every person she comes into contact with, her innocent and bubbling energy helping her make friends instantly. At one point she says hello to Carmen who happens to just be passing by Tally's seat, the sudden interaction caught the hazel-haired girl off guard but she's quick to readjust herself.

"Hello." Carmen stretches her hand out to the girl, Tally instantly takes in.

"I'm Tally Craven."

"Carmen-" She stops when she notices an unnerving silence has befell the room, both herself and Tally takes back their hands looking around the room for the source of the atmosphere.

Sergeant Anacostia Quatermain, a tough and stern woman, she didn't need to make her presence known as just by her uniform and stance they knew she was to be respected, she liked that.

Turning to face the young recruits, they all look at her.

"Welcome to all-suites Circe Barracks, the finest on the base. I am Drill Sergeant Anacostia Quatermain, my job is to keep you alive through basic training so the Military High Council can determine if you go to War College... or not." 

War College, this is something that Carmen and Abigail have in common. Both of their family names come with standards and expectations and War College is one of them, that and it's what their mother's expect of them too. Failing isn't an option for them.

"Starting this year, you will rise or fall as units. That means how anyone in your unit performs during basic is how everyone in your unit performs during basic. Your job is to be effective soldiers." The recruits look on at the Sergeant, intimidation and doubt seeping in to some minds ever so slightly.

"Suite numbers are on the back of your medals. Go, meet the rest of your units." Tally looks around with a smile at what she feels is a nice moment, the next big step, but her pleasant moment is interrupted by her Sergeants booming command, "Now ladies!" Everybody sprung into action, each grabbing their things and following them to the suite their pendent told them to go, no one wanting to risk the wrath of Anacostia. 

Tally was finishing putting on the top half of her new uniform when the door opens to reveal Raelle who looks around shyly. Tally takes not a second longer to run up to the girl with a smile on her face.

"You must be Raelle!"

"Hi." Tally's energy is definitely something Raelle couldn't and didn't even attempt to match, she took the girl's hand as she stretches it out.

"I'm Tally Craven, and this is Abigail Bellweather." Abigail smiles at Raelle as she continues to unpack her stuff and make the bed, all seeming well. "Sounds like we're going all the way together." A trio made in heaven? 

"Onward to glory, soldiers" Abigail eggs Tally on, enjoying the atmosphere of her unit so far. 

"Well, rah, rah, rah. Sounds like a poster." Raelle, perhaps not so must. Abigail turns her full attention to the her now, 

"I assure you the sentiment is sincere." 

"Bellweather, huh? Sounds Familiar." Raelle has now began unpacking her things, starting with a colourful blanket. 

"Army's crawling with Bellweathers."

"I'm good with lower or upper" Tally butts in as Raelle looks at the bunk beds in front of her, she starts shoving the blanket between the top bunk's mattress to create a blanket wall around the bottom bunk, seem's like it'll be upper for Tally.

Abigail looks at the scene unfolding and feels a tinge of annoyance at the arrogance of the girl, "No way is that going to pass inspection." Raelle simply looks back at Abigail with no expression.

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