Chap. 5 Y/n

624 33 14

Arthur POV

Since the moment he set his foot outside of his place, he knew someone was following him. This wasn't the first time something like this happens.

Jimin took out his phone texting Zena that he was outside. He leaned his back on his car outside the hospital as he was waiting for his fiancé. He turned his head to the right and spotted something further down the street. More like someone.

The person who was spying on him stood behind som trees in the darkness 100 meters away from where he was standing. Jimin couldn't help but to chuckle by himself.

The person was clearly doing a bad job spying on him for him to spot her like that. Yes her. He could tell whoever the person was had a feminine body. She was wearing all black with a black cap and black face mask.

"Babe!" The high pitched voice of none other than his fiancé got his attention and he turned to the direction from where she was coming from.

He smiled at her and took her in for a hug. "Hey." The hug was short as he broke it and opened the door for her. "Are you ready?"

Zena smiled back at him and got inside the passenger seat.

"So where are you taking me?" She asked him once he got in the car.

"Somewhere nice. You will see."

Zena didn't question him and was satisfied with his answer. She started talking about random things but the person next to her had only 70% of his attention on her and 30% on the car that was following him behind.

Half an hour later they arrived at their destination and headed inside the building. It was a restaurant. But it was empty. No costumers. No stuff.

"Alex? There's nobody here." She found it odd. She knew this restaurant. It's a famous one and she has been her before, but there wasn't a single person there.

"Yeah. We have it all for ourselves." She looked at him choked.

"Really?!" He nodded at her. "B-but how?! And who's gonna make the food?"

"The owner of this restaurant is is a close friend of mine. He let me have the whole restaurant for myself for tonight. And I'm the one who's gonna make us food."

Zena couldn't believe this. He rented out an whole restaurant just for the two of them. She couldn't be happier.

"Here you can put your things here." He took her to a table further in the restaurant away from the front view with the glass windows. "I'm just gonna make a quick call. You can wait for me in the kitchen."

He walked back to the entrance and took out his phone calling someone. It took a couple of seconds before the person picked up.

"Hello Jin-hyung?"

"Yes Jiminaa?"

"Are you busy?"

"No. What's up?"

He explained the situation. About him being followed the whole day with a black car. He wanted him to come and track whoever that was spying on him. And in case the person decides to leave then they would know where she's going.

"I'll text you the address of where I am right now."

After texting Jin the address he walked into the kitchen finding Zena there admiring everything.

"Never been in a restaurant kitchen before?" He chuckled founding her adorable.

"Everything is so big in here."

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