Chap. 32 No Mercy

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"What is this place?" I asked while looking out at the old building.

We had driven for a while now and ended up on the other side of the city. It was just me and him without any backups.

It's not like we need backup. It's just a little bitch that needs to be taken down before she comes for my family for revenge.

"It looks like a motel or something." Jimin said looking out at the black building. "So what's the plan?"

I turned to him raising my brow as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Kill her. Or what did you think the plan would be?" I said getting out of the car with him quickly following me.

I slammed the door and started to walk towards the building, with fast steps.

"Woah woah woah. Not so fast, my love." Jimin swung me around holding my upper arm. "I know you hate her and want her dead but you can't just go off like that without a gun or anything to protect you with."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Seriously, Jimin? You think she's a match for me? What is she gonna do, huh? She almost ended my son! Your son! So I'm gonna walk in there and kill her. And you... don't you dare trying to fucking stop me!"

I had my finger pointed at him as a warning. My pulse started to increase and I knew I sounded angry, and I was. But I couldn't wait to end that bitch.

Jimin stood there still holding my arm with a smile on his face not saying anything. Just when I was about to open my mouth again, he said something.

"Alright, pumpkin. I'm gonna wait here for you. Have fun." He gave me the sweetest smile and kissed me on my head.

I would lie if I said that my heart didn't melt at the nickname. I did miss him calling me that a lot. But I of course had to keep my straight face.

Without waisting a second, I turned around and walked through the dark empty parking lot. I took the stairs to the second floor and walked to the door where she was supposed to be in.

I kicked the door with force without thinking twice, waking the person in the room in panic. When my eyes l landed in her, all I could see was red. I wanted her to die.

Diana quickly rise up from her bed and tried to run to her bureau, where a gun was placed. Since it was in front of her bed and near the door, I was able to grab her hair in a fist and smash her body into a near wall.

She moaned in pain as she hit the wall and down to the floor.

"You fucking bitch!! I should've just killed you back in Korea!! She growled at me like a crazy animal making me chuckle.

Diana stood up and was about to punch me, but damn this girl was slow. I could see her next move from miles away. The punch she threw missed me. Obviously. Right after her fist flew past my face I grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm to her back while kicking her on her knee making her fall down.

My other hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back. Diana's other hand tried to release mine from her brown locks. I leaned down to her ear and whispered.

"Yeah you should have, sweetheart. To bad for you that I'm still alive."

I twisted her wrist hard enough for it to break. She let out a scream bringing joy to my ears.

I released her and pushed her to the floor again. She groaned at the pain as she was curled up into a ball trying to hold her broken wrist.

I walked around the room searching for something. Something that I could use on her. I know I can just take the gun and kill her but that wouldn't satisfy me. She didn't deserve a quick death. I wanted her to feel pain, as I felt all those months she and Jackson tortured me.

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