Chap. 9 Strawberries

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(I haven't looked through this chapter so there may be some mistakes and stuff and don't be afraid to correct me of you spot some mistakes. I don't mind.)

Arthur POV

Jimin thought his head was gonna explode. This was too much. Too much for him. He knew. And was 101% sure that the woman sitting across him was the love of his life.



"Am I her? The woman you knew."

He didn't say anything. He wasn't sure how to respond to her question.

"I woke up here in a hospital for 9 months ago and I didn't have my memories. I didn't know my name or where I was from. So... if you know me... if we knew each other. I'd like to know."

"No." He simply said without hesitation.


"I'm sorry but we don't know each other. You're not her."

With the eyes contact they had Jasmine could see that the man in front of her was lying. She couldn't exactly point out what but she had the feeling of him lying to her.

She then looked down to her ring breaking the eye contact. She was disappointed and it wasn't hard for Jimin to notice that.

"I thought that I would finally know who I was..."

"I... I should leave." Jimin stood up after noticing that her eyes started to get watery. He didn't wanna witness the tears falling from her eyes.

Jasmine didn't say anything or tried to stop him. She watched him walk away from behind as a single tear rolled down. The door opened and closed and she was left alone again.

"I know that you know me, Alexander Lee."


Jasmine were getting ready for the dinner with Zena and her fiancé. And of course with Aiden. But tonight she thought of dressing up nicely for once.

She smiled at herself as she was checking her own body on the body mirror. The brown dress looked so pretty on her.

Her phone started to ring getting her attention

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Her phone started to ring getting her attention. Once she saw the caller id she cursed under her breath. And being the good girl she is, she picked up the call.

"Yes, Aiden?"

"Hi. I-I just wanted to say that I'm outside your apartment."


"Zena s-send me to pick you up."

Jasmine POV


"I'll be down in 10." After that I just hung up on him.

I was actually already done but I'm still gonna make him wait. But the ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. I had no choice than to get out from my apartment.

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