Chap. 7 Planing

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Arthur POV

Mina was playing with her younger brother next to Jimin on the bed and Jin stood at the other side of the bed watching over Jimin so that he wouldn't try to escape as the nurse was checking on him. And Jimin knew that as long as Jin was there he couldn't do anything.

"There's nothing to worry about, sir. He's starting to have a fever and is running a cold but he will be fine, so he just needs to rest and he'll eventually get better in 3-4 days."

"Thank you very much. You way leave."

The nurse left and Jin turned to him placing his hands on his hips. Jimin didn't even look at him. He already knew the look he was getting.

"Why would you walk in the rain you fu..." he stopped himself and his eyes landed down on the two kids who had already been looking at him for his outburst.

"You could have called me or any of the other boys to pick you up! We have drivers you could have called!" Jin started scolding him again. This time being careful not to say any bad words in front of the kids.

"I wanted to be alone. I needed some time to think."

"Think about what? What happened last night? After giving you the address to the spy, you never gave us any updates. I thought something happened to you."

Jimin wanted to tell him. About the woman he met. He wanted tell everyone. He thought that they also had the right to know.

But he had to confirm something first. He didn't wanna give them high hopes and then turns out it's not even her. He himself wasn't even sure.

"The person who was spying on me was... ehm, she was sent by Zenas father. I guess he doesn't trust me to a 100%. But don't worry. I took care of it."

"Really?" Jin asked him and he just nodded. "Alright then. Mina, Felix, let's go."

"Why are you taking them?" Jimin didn't understand why Jin would take his babies away from him.

"What? Do you want them to be sick too?!" Jimin pouted as he got a bit sad. He actually wanted to spend time with them today.

"I'll see you later princess." He said to his daughter and waved at her receiving a wave back. Felix was to busy playing with the avenger doll in Jins arms.

"No you won't." Jin said and stack out his tongue at Jimin. Before he could even say anything Jin had already left the room.


Jasmine POV

"How do you feel about your best friend getting married?"

"I'm happy for her. She seems very happy."

And then it was silent again. It was so awkward I just wanted to disappear.

I took a glance at her and saw her writing down something on her block. She then looked up at me and smiled but I immediately looked away.

"Is there something you wanna talk about? I can tell that there's something that you're thinking about."

Am I that obvious?

"No it's nothing."

"Jasmine. You know you can talk to me."

She's my therapist so I might just as well get it out of me.

"Well, ehhh... something happened last night. There was this guy who I met for the first time. And the thing is that he seemed to recognize me immediately. He kind of panicked when he saw my face. And I've going around wondering why he would have panicked like that. And it's driving me crazy."

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