Chap. 33 Few hours later

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It was 4am when I entered my apartment. A few light were still on but it was quite. I went to the living room immediately to see if he was still there.

And he was.

I smiled to myself while watching him. He looked waisted. All the bottles around were probably the reason. One of his leg hung out from the couch and he was hugging one of the couch pillows. His lips were parted.

It was a little messy around him with all the popcorn, chips, chocolate and candies. And of course, the empty bottles of alcohol. Most of the snacks were finished.

Poor guy. We were supposed to watch the movies together but he did that alone. Instead I spend the night with Jimin. He must think the worst of me.

I went to grab a blanket and covered him with it. After that I turned off the lights and went to bed.


The next morning, or maybe I should say 5h later, I was awakened by the sun on my face that came through the curtains. I squinted my eyes feeling really sleepy and tired.

As I tried to get back to sleep again, I hear some rumbling outside my bedroom. It sounded like it came from the kitchen.

I got up and head to the door but halted by the body length mirror. My eyes widened at sight of my neck.

Hickeys!! Oh Jimin!! This motherfucker!

I let down my hair to cover my neck on my way out. With slow steps and guilt hovering over me, I made my way to the kitchen seeing the island counter was prepared with breakfast.

Aiden was finishing the dishes so he didn't notice my presence. I took a look around the kitchen and glanced over at the living room. Everything was clean.

I was honestly surprised. The mess I came home to wasn't anywhere to be seen. It's like it never existed.

"Good morning." Aidens sweet voice made me turned back my head and looked at him.

He gave me his sweet smile making me feel even more horrible than I already was.

"Hi..." I managed to get out but didn't look at his face. The apartment was now filled with an awkward silence.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure if we were still together or not. Like did we actually break up last night before Jimin came?

"How are you feeling?" He asked me after he took a few steps towards me and stood next to the counter.

Honestly I felt like shit.

"Can we talk? About last night."

"Ehm... sure."

He gestured me to sit on one of the barstools while he took a sit in front of me. Aiden sat there quietly waiting for me to speak up.

"So... last night... Jimin, he... ehm... kissed me." I said looking down at the food that was placed on the counter. I quickly raised my head to take a look at his reaction.

"Oh..." was all he said. And he might have had a smirk on his face or I was just imagining things.

"And I... kissed him back." My head hang low, feeling embarrassed to even look up at him.

But to my surprise he let out snort as he tried not to laugh. I looked up at him confused not knowing why he found this conversation/situation so funny.

"I know." He said while smiling at me. "Your neck says a lot."

I closed my eyes shut and turned away while mentally cursing at myself. I could feel my face becoming hotter. I pulled up my hoodie further up on my neck, holding it there to hide the marks.

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