Chap. 8 Unexpected visitor

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Arthur POV

Jasmine stood in front of the counter waiting for her hot choco. The caffè shop was crowded now early in the morning and she hated being in crowded places. But what could she do? They had the best hot choco in town.

The clock on the wall caught her attention time to time. She knew she was late. She also knew that the time wouldn't stop if she kept staring at it.

"Here's your order ma'am." The young lady said and placed her drink on the counter.

"Thank you." She hurried grabbed her drink and turned around quickly wanting to leave as soon as possible but ended up bumping into someone with her drink all over them.

"WHAT THE FUCK! CAN'T YOU SEE WHERE..." the woman became speechless after looking up at Jasmine. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her whole body froze. At the same time as anger was building inside of her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you were behind me." She tried to wipe the stain on her coat and her purse.

"Park Y/n?"

Jasmine stopped her movement raising her gaze to the women in front of her. She stared at her confused not knowing if she was talking to her or someone behind her.

So Jasmine hesitantly turned her head back to see if there was anyone but nobody stood there.

"Are you talking to me?" The confused expression on Jasmine made the woman confused too. They stared at each other before she scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Who else would I be talking to?"

By that moment Jasmine could tell that this women was a bitch. The way she was standing. The way she was looking at her and her tone she spoke with.

"I'm sorry but I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I'm not Park Y/n. My name is Jasmine. And if you could excuse me I have somewhere else to be."

She didn't let the women to even get a chance to respond and left her standing there as she exit the caffè shop.


Jasmine POV

"Is this all?"

"No ma'am. There's one more package that will arrive tomorrow. This is what came in today."

I walked over to the container with my umbrella and opened the heavy metal door, revealing a huge wood box inside. I didn't bother to open the box and just closed the door.

"Deliver this to Mr Talapi immediately."

The man bowed to me and I made my way to the car. I sat in there as I watched them working with the container in the rain.

Looking down at my clothes I noticed some stains on. Blood stains from my victim to be more specific. The third one this week.

For a split of second I decided to just relax and close my eyes. Feeling tired after running errands for Mr Talapi all day.
But it didn't help to relax when a certain name was lingering in my mind.

Park Y/n

That's the second person that has called me that. I need to get home and found out who this person is that they're mistaken me for.

The night I met Zenas fiancé have been stuck in my head. I can't seem to stop thinking about it. The look on his eyes that I can't seem to get rid off. Who was he?

After witnessing the container being transferred safely I drove straight home. It had already been dark outside but the rain still kept falling.

The ride home took about one hour and when I entering my dark apartment I went straight to the shower not waisting a second.

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