Chap. 25 I'm ready

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I haven't checked the grammar so I'm sorry if there's any typos. And don't be shy to tell me if you find any.

Enjoy babies😘


Jimin POV

All the way towards the hospital I was just thinking about Jungkook. If he was alright or not.

Y/n didn't hear the phone call since there was a glass between the front seats and the back seats. I was glad about that because she was already worried enough about Zena.

When we got to the hospital the doctors immediately took her to treat her.

When they took her Y/n immediately left off to go to Taehyungs hospital room. We still haven't said anything to each other. I could still feel that she was angry.

People on the hallway were staring at us because of the blood on our clothes and some stains on the skin. She really didn't give a fuck about that. It was like she wasn't even noticing them. Her mind was completely somewhere else.

We entered Taes room and two nurses immediately rose up in panic from their seats next to his bed.

"Leave us." Y/n said and they rushed out of the room without waisting a second.

Taehyung eyed me for a second as he sensed and saw the anger in her. He fixed himself and sat up properly. She then went and sat on side of the bed while I stood behind her by the end of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him. Her voice was a bit softer but the anger was still in there.

"I-I'm doing good." He started. "How did things go over there?" He asked looking at us both.

We explained everything to him but Y/n didn't say a word when it came to what happened to Zena.

Was that maybe the reason why she was angry? Does she blame herself for what happened?

"Oh... Wanna know something?" He asked her being all excited while showing his gummy smile.

"What is it? Did they found a heart for you?" I could sense her smiling back at him as she asked him.

"Not exactly. That would be a miracle. But look!" He placed his left hand in front of us and wiggled his fingers.

Y/n immediately grabbed his hand looking down at his ring. Even I was surprised.

"You got married?!" I asked him.


"And you didn't even care to invite me, your fucking best friend?!" She playfully hit him on his shoulder and he dramatically hissed in pain.

"Ouch! Well it kinda of happened fast. And by the way, you were all in the mission."

"Well, congratulations man." I went and hugged him.

"I'm happy for you two." She also hugged him tightly after I got away from him. She pulled away from the hug and took a quick glance around the room before looking back at Taehyung.

"So where's your... husband?"

Hearing that my mind started to go crazy again thinking about me and Jungkooks last call.

"He went home real quick. He wanted to fresh up but he said he'll be back soon. But I know him better than he knows himself. He found an excuse because I know that he wanted to cry alone." He gave her a smile as he said that and that just made my heart hurt.

"Excuse me." I said and didn't even wait for their response as I was already making my way out of the room.

I couldn't be in there looking at Taehyung. Looking at any of them and knowing that Jungkook might be in danger and not be able to tell them. I didn't want him to worry about his husband knowing how weak his heart was.

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