Chap. 16 Aiden

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Arthur POV

You were in one of the makeup rooms and got your things. Since you had spent the night there with Zena you had a whole suitcase with you.

And little did you know that someone was leaning against the doorframe and was watching you.

"Need a ride home?"

"Ehm... sure. Why not."

"Here... let me take this." He said and grabbed your suitcase. You let him take it without any resistance and he led the way out to his car.

You walked a few steps behind him being completely lost in your thoughts. Thinking about the one and only, Park Jimin.

As the sweet boy he is, he opened the door for you to his car and let you in. Aiden could already tell that you weren't in a good mood.

The ride was silent. Only the radio was audible. You kept your head turned to the window not wanting Aiden to see your silent tears.

Aiden knew you were crying and he didn't wanna point it out. Even though the radio was on with music he could still hear your sniffles time to time.

He didn't know why you were crying. He wanted to hug you and help you but he also didn't wanna invade your space. It hurted him seeing you like that.

After a few minutes you notice him take a turn to a different direction than the one to your house. You didn't question him and just let him drive.

10 minutes later he stopped on a hill where you could see almost the whole city from. There was no other cars around or people since it was very late in the night.

"Take your time. I'll be right outside." He said after he turned off the engine.

Before getting out of the car he turned up the volume of the music high and closed the door after him. He walked over to the fence and leaned down there with his arms on looking over the shining lights on the city. Far from there the Eiffel Tower was visible.

You were left alone in the car and at that time you just broke down completely letting everything out.

Since the music was so loud, nothing else could be heard from the car.


You opened the door to your apartment and let Aiden in who was carrying you suitcase.

"Wow! It's a nice place you've got." He said after he kept on walking inside the house. You then remembered that this was actually the first time he had been there.

"Thanks." You said to him in your weak voice. "You can just put it there." You pointed next to the couch and he placed the suitcase there.

He turned to you looking straight at your puffy eyes. Your whole face was a bit puffy from all the crying. But he still found you beautiful.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm feeling better. Thank you... for what you did."

"No problem. If there's anything you need or want me to do please just let me know."

"Can you stay...?" You asked him, stepping closer to him until you stood inches apart from him.

Aidens heart was beating faster for each second that passed. He looked down at your eyes and caught you eyeing his lips for a second and then back at his eyes.


Suddenly the air felt so thicker and it became harder for him to breathe.

He wanted you. That's something he was completely sure about. But he wasn't gonna do anything yet. Not until you gave in first so that he could get a clear sign that you wanted this too.

You leaned in until your lips gently touched his. He closed his eyes feeling the same soft lips he felt earlier that night.

You placed your hand on his chest and pulled away from his lips and looked up at him. He was already staring down at you dark glistening eyes.

It only took two to three seconds before he smacked his lips back on yours getting a taste of them again.

Aidens left hand was placed on your exposed skin right above your waist pulling you even closer to him. You wrapped you arms around his neck kissing him back.

As things got more intense he traveled his hand further down until he got to your ass and squeeze it making you let out out a small moan. He took that chance and slide his tongue into you exploring every corner there was.

He backed you up until you came against the back of the couch and he listed you up placing you on it without breaking the kiss.

You slide your hands under his coat and pulling it over his shoulder making it fall to the ground.

He stopped kissing your lips and moved from you jaw to your neck leaving small purple marks. You were both breathing heavily after the intense make out session.

"You smell so good." He whispered to you on your neck. You could feel his hot breath hitting your skin making you feel goosebumps all over you.

"Come here."

He wrapped your legs around his hips and listed you up like you were a piece of leather. You connected your lips together again while he walked you to your bedroom.


Jimin got in the room after being on the phone with his kids and Lucas who had assured him that both his kids and their mother were perfectly safe.

He found Zena asleep in the bed and took his things with him out to his balcony. He placed his wine, wineglass and his laptop together with his earbuds on the small table.

He opened his laptop and wore his earbuds watching and listening to what was happening at his enemy's house.

He opened the wine bottle and poured himself some in the glass. The weather wasn't too bad and the small breeze made him relax. He leaned back on his chair and took a sip from his wine.

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" Mr Talapi shouted at two men who were on their knees looking down on the floor. He threw the device to them that was opened from the back where they could see the cables were cut.


"M-miss J-jasmine, sir." One of them said not daring to look up at the angry men.

"She said you had ordered her to get something from here. So we let them in." The other guy spoke. "I'm sorry, sir. This is all our fault!"

Mr Talapi got so furious that he smashed his cup to the wall making everyone flinch.

"They would have been dead by now if it wasn't for you two assholes! Take them away!"

Jimin just sat there enjoying the show and watched as some more guards took away the two men. Everything was going as planned.

But one thing that was stuck in his head and couldn't get an answer to was "so we let them in."

"She went in there with someone?" Jimin asked himself. After a few seconds of thinking he finally figured out who the other person might be.

"For fuck sake, Y/n." He whispered to himself.

"So what are we gonna do, brother?"

"We will talk about it tomorrow. AND SOMEONE BRING ME JASMINE TO MY OFFICE!"

Mr Talapi walked out of the room and soon after they all left. Jimin took a deep breath before closing shut his laptop.

He sat there thinking for a moment before taking out his phone and looked at your phone number.

Maybe this wasn't the right time. It's already passed midnight. She could be asleep by now. He thought.

But he still wanted to hear you. Hear your voice once again. But he knew he was wrong for wanting that. So he placed his phone on the table and poured himself another glass.

The whole night Jimin couldn't get himself to sleep. He only kept thinking about you and he couldn't help it. He couldn't just wipe away his memories and get rid of the pain.



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