Chap. 35 Never let go again

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We reached the third floor, and Jimin guided me to his bedroom. As we entered, he closed the door behind us and turned to face me. His expression was a mix of concern and relief.

"Y/n, are you okay?" He asked, his voice gentle and caring.

I wiped away my remaining tears and nodded, managing a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about it."

Jimin sighed with a relieved smile. "I'm glad to hear that. I don't want to see you cry, especially if it's because of me."

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest. He embraced me tightly, letting out a soft sigh.

"I missed you, Y/n," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"I missed you too," I mumbled against his chest, the warmth of his embrace bringing me comfort.

We stood like that for a while, savoring the feeling of being reunited after what felt like an eternity. Jimin's fingers gently ran through my hair, soothing my troubled mind.

"Please don't leave me again, love. The pain of losing you was unbearable. Each day without you was a year of torment, and I blamed myself for not being able to protect you. The emptiness inside me was insurmountable."

Finally, I pulled away slightly, looking up at him with a loving smile. I reached out and gently stroked his cheek, brushing away a tear that had escaped from his eye.

Jimin gazed deeply into my eyes, and his voice was filled with a mixture of longing and vulnerability.

"My world falls between your arms. My heaven is where you reside. I'm so sorry for failing to protect you. Please, stay with me, because without you, life is a desolate, colorless void."

His eyes sparkled with emotion as he continued.

"But discovering that you're still here, my heart swells with a mix of joy and sorrow. I love you more deeply than words can convey. I can't lose you again, cause I need you like the air I breathe. Forever stay by my side. Be always mine and never say goodbye."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to his heartfelt words. I reached out and cupped his face in my hands, our tears mingling. "Jimin, my love, I'm here, and I'll never leave your side."

I wiped away our tears, my heart full of love and understanding. "Jimin, we're together now, and that's all that matters. We'll face whatever comes our way, hand in hand."

His eyes lit up with happiness, and he leaned down to capture my lips in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with love, longing, and promises of a brighter future.

As we pulled away, he whispered, "I love you, Y/n. I'm never letting you go again."

Our lips met once more in a passionate kiss, sealing our commitment to one another. We knew there might be challenges ahead, but as long as we were together, we could face anything.

"I love you, Jimin." I said as we slowly parted our lips. He placed his arms around me and snuggled his head on my neck hugging me tightly.

The embrace of Jimin's love, and the warmth of our reunion, made me believe that our future would be brighter and more beautiful than ever before.

Jimin locked the door, and we remained in our sanctuary, holding each other close.

We sat on the bed, our fingers intertwined, our love reaffirmed. Jimin looked deeply into my eyes.

Jimin POV

Y/n was sitting on my bed leaning her back on the headboard. My head was laying on her lap while I faced her.

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