Chap. 26 Hospital

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Arthur POV

They took Taehyung to the OR leaving you and Jimin alone in the room.

"What is wrong with you?!" You snapped at him after the door was closed.

"Excuse me?" He said as he turned around to look at you.

"Are you not happy that they found a heart for him? You didn't even look like you wanted him to do this surgery."

"Listen. I'm happy that he got a heart. I really am. Don't get me wrong, I really want him to have this surgery... but we don't even know who's heart that is!"

"Why does it matter?! He got a heart!"

"BECAUSE...!" He raised his voice making you startled by his sudden burst.

You froze in your spot watching him taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He ran his fingers through his blond hair before speaking again. In a calmer tone.

Jimin POV

"You know what? Just forget it."

I wasn't planning on telling her anything about Jk. Cause what if I was wrong and I just stress her out even more than she already is?

"You're an asshole." She mumbles as she walks past me but I still heard her.

I reached out for her arm and turned her around. But she quickly snatched her arm away from my grip.


"I need to ask you something."

She crossed her arms and signaled me to talk.

"One of the boys told me that it looked like Diana recognized you. Like she knew who you were before the accident. Or were they just misunderstanding it? And by the way you were beating her today I thought that something happened to the two of you. You almost killed her."

"Yeah... we knew each other back in Korea. By the time I was pregnant. And I should have killed her today. She deserved to die!"

She said the last sentence while walking up closed to me looking me straight into my eyes.

I would lie if I said I didn't get scared by her look. It looks like she would end me if I even dared to breathe too loud.

Then again, how could they've known each other? She was living with that...

"Yes... she was there with Jackson." She said as if she heard my thoughts.

"I first met her when I was six months pregnant. She would at first just spend the nights there but then she started to live there too making my life even more miserable than it already was. She would torture me day and night for the rest of the three months. Then day she was leaving, she came at me and and started to beat me up again, but this time she hit my belly. And I was constantly weak because of the shit they put me through every day so couldn't even protect my baby. For the rest of the night I was laying in the bed crying because I couldn't feel him, he didn't move at all. I thought she had killed him. So excuse me if I wanted her dead!!"

After saying what she wanted to say she stormed out of the room leaving me standing there alone before I could even say anything.


It had been almost an hour since they took Zena. It was a bit after midnight. Me and Y/n were sitting in the waiting room in silence.


I heard a man's voice and looked up seeing Aiden standing in front of her a few meters away from me.

For a split of seconds we made eyes contact but he was quick to look back at her.

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