Chap. 20 Jung... kook...

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Me and Aiden were sitting in his kitchen eating in silence. He let me stay at his place since my apartment didn't have a door now and it was a completely mess.

I felt bad for him. He almost died because of me. But still he hasn't asked me anything about it since then.

He deserves to know the truth. He deserves to know who I am.

"There's something you should know about me, Aiden."

He looked up at me after putting down his fork.

"Jasmine... please don't feel like you owe me an explanation..."

"I remember who I am."

I stopped him mid sentence making him look at me. He didn't proceed to continue so I did.

"My memories are back, Aiden."

"Ohh... Does Zena know?" He asked me after a long moment of quietness.

"No... I haven't told her yet. I don't even know what to say. How to even start."

"She's your best friend. She's like a sister to you so what's stopping you from telling her. I'm sure she would be happy that your memories are back."

Yeah... I'm sure she'll be very happy knowing that Jimin is my ex, that her marriage was only a part of a mission.

"So are you gonna tell me who you are?" I looked at him seeing him smiling. "What's your name?"

My name? I don't even know that myself. Is it Park Y/n or Kim Y/n? Well I guess it's Kim Y/n now that we aren't together anymore.

"My name is Kim Y/n."

I looked at him cause he was too quiet and found him having his head rested on his hand, observing me with a cute little smile.

"Your name is so beautiful. It suits you more." He fixed his hair and asked another question. "Do you remember your life right before the accident?"

"I... was pregnant and married before the accident..."

"You were a mother?!!" His eyes grew wider. "And you're married... SHIT! But we slept together! Omg!"

"Aiden calm down. My baby isn't dead so I'm a mother, not was. And I was married. I'm not married right now."

"Oh... so you guys were divorced before you lost your memories?"

"No. I was still married when the accident occurred."

His whole face showed a big question mark. He probably was thinking how that was even possible.

"Well technically we had already signed the divorce papers but we were still a married couple."

Poor boy looked even more confused.


"Long story short. I was in a contract marriage. My parents forced me into it. I didn't even know the guy. I didn't even like him at that time. He was just a pain in the ass. According to our parents, it was to bring... the big companies together. So me and my ex-husband got married and literally signed the divorce papers the morning after. And the divorce papers were starting to apply after two years. So we had to live together for two years before getting separated. But unfortunately I was gone I think three months before the contract ended. Do you get it now?"

He nodded his head and looked like he was in deep thought.

"So how old is your daughter or son."

"My son is a bit over one year."

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