Chap. 24 I Love You, Hyung

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Jimin POV

I heard a gunshot and immediately turned my head around. I saw that Mr Talapi was pointing his gun towards us and Zena standing in front
of me. I immediately knew what happened.

"No no no no. Zena!" Y/n got up and hurried to her, spinning her around.

There was a pool of blood on her lower abdomen that kept on spreading as more blood was coming out.

She placed her palm on the wound to prevent bleeding but it still slipped between her fingers. She seemed to be in shock as she didn't respond or react to Y/n calling after her.

The blood inside of me was boiling.

He's going to die. And that right now!

I didn't get far until I heard my name.


Y/n called after me just as I was about to go to Zenas father and end him once and for all.

I turned to them and saw that Zena was loosing her conscious. Since I hadn't come far from them I managed to catch her before her body hit the floor.

Y/n quickly took of her buttoned shirt leaving her with a tank top and I knew exactly what she intended to do.

I slowly sat her down in the floor having Y/n holding her. "Here. Hold her." She did as told without saying anything. She was crying silently.

"She's gonna be okay..." I said trying to calm her mind.

"I know... I know"

I wrapped her shirt around Zenas waist and over her wound before taking her back in my arms and lifting her up bridal style.

Y/n also got and walked over to the boys who were holding down Mr Talapi waiting for our orders.

She got down to his level and lifted his head by pulling his hair harshly making him look up at her.

"If Zena doesn't make it... you will wish you never knew me. And only god knows what I'll do to you." She chuckled before leaning in and whispered something in his ear.

After that she stood up giving orders to the boys.

"Lock him up and make sure he's alive when I get to him."

With that she started to head towards the exit with me following after.

There were more of Talapis men outside but since Y/n was walking in front of me she immediately shot them all. She literally walked as if they didn't point their guns at us.

She was beyond angry. Just by the way she was walking, her eyes, they way she killed all those men mercilessly. I was afraid to even open my mouth.

We got to one of the big car our enemy had and she opened the back door for me, closing it after I got inside with Zena. Going to the driver seat she just pulled out the dead body she had just shot to the ground and got in.

She waisted no time in starting the engine and drive of.

My phone suddenly starts to ring. Seeing that I was Jungkook after pulling it out.


Arthur POV
An hour earlier

Jungkook followed the doctor out of the room to talk to him. The doctor had just came to check on V.

"I'm sorry but he's just getting worse. His heart could give up any moment and I think this time it would be difficult to bring him back."

Jk was looking at Taehyung through the window who was already looking back at him.

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