Chap. 40 Kids

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Sry for the previous short chapter. I made this chapter long as an apology🥹❤️


Jimin POV

"Hi, Jimin."

"Hey, Lisa. Is Mina awake?" I asked her over the phone.

"Yeah she is. But she's a little bit sad."

"Yeah, I know. Jungkook just told me. You should have called and I would have come back for her."

"It was in the middle of the night. I didn't wanna disturb you."

"Lisa... I don't care if you're calling me in the middle of the night or if I'm in a meeting. If something happens you call me."

It was quiet for a bit over the phone. I might have sounded a bit angry, but I wasn't. I just wanted to remind her.

"I'm sorry, I should have called." She said in a lower voice. I had to mentally slap myself.

"Listen. I'm not angry or mad at you. Okay? So don't feel bad. I understand. But I have told you many times before that you can call me anytime without worrying about the time. No matter how small the issue is. Do you understand?" I said to her in a soft tone.


"Alright, let me speak with her."

I could hear that Felix was also there and some kid's music playing.


"Hey, princess."

"Daddy where are you?" I could hear the sadness in his voice. It really broke my heart.

"Can you come back?" A sniff was heard from the other line.

"I'm at work, princess. How about you and your brother come over here and then we can go to eomma Y/ns house? Would you like that?"


If I knew my daughter right, I just knew she was pouting while saying that.

"Alright, don't worry, you will get to see me soon. I love you."

"I love you too, appa."

A few seconds later Lisa was back on the phone.

"Can you please get the kids ready? They will stay with me and Y/n for the night. Ask one of the boys if they can bring them over to work."

"Okay, take care."

"You too."

After that I hung up and proceeded to do my work. But that didn't last long when Jungkook entered the office telling me that our client was already here.

For about an hour of boring talking, the meeting was finally over and we come to an agreement.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr Park." He said and we shook hands. I gave him a warm smile.

"Please take care of yourself Mr Peterson. I'll see you again in another time."

After we said our goodbyes he left the meeting room and a stuff showed him out. I was left with Jungkook as we were discussing the new agreement and looking through the files.

Right when were finished discussing, the opened following with Minas sweet voice.

"Daddy!" She run around the table to get to me. Yoongi also entered the room with Felix in his arms playing with his toy.

"There you are?!"

I picked her up and she immediately hugged me tightly around my neck snuggling her head there.

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