chap. 11 Memories

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Arthur POV

You slowly opened your eyes, trying to figure out where you were and what happened. Your head was killing you, feeling almost like someone was beating your head. After a few seconds and taking in your surroundings, you knew you were in a hospital room.

Just then, two people walked in, getting your attention.

"I'm wondering who it was who took... OMG! YOU'RE AWAKE!"

Zena said once she saw you trying to sit up on the bed. Another person soon followed in after her. Your brain just went blank. You two lock eyes, and you completely forget about your friend who just run to you and gave you a hug.

"I was so scared. I thought you wouldn't see you again. Don't scare me like that ever again." Zena said, getting all emotional while still hugging you. But your eyes were still glued to the man in front of you until she broke the hug and you had to look at her.

"I'm okay now. There is no need to be so emotional. It's not like I died." Zenas' expression changed, and she immediately went blank.

"Your heart fucking stopped and you'resayingthatyoudidn'tdie?!!"

You sat there quietly not knowing what to say. She then hugged you again placing your head on her chest.

"Sorry. I'm glad you're doing good now. I thought I was gonna have a wedding without you."

"It's nice to see you again. Jasmine." You both turned around to Jimin who was approaching your bed. You tried to avoid any eye contact with him.

"You're working today?" You quickly turned to Zena, trying to avoid the man in front of you as much as possible. Since Zena walked in, you noticed that she was wearing her hospital clothes.

"Yeah. But it's my last day before the wedding so don't worry. I won't be working more after today. My patient hasn't arrived yet, and Alex visited me now on my break, and we just wanted to see how you were doing."

Before she could say anything, her phone rang, and she immediately picked up.

"Alright, I'll be there." After that, she hung up and looked at me. "My patient is here now. I have to go back to work. But I'll be back to visit you before going home. Alexander can stay with you here until the doctor comes. Right, Alex?"

"Y-yeah, sure. I can stay with her for a little while, if she's okay with it."

"Perfect. I'll see you later." She hurried out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.

Once the door was shut, it became awkwardly quiet, and you couldn't get out of there. You kept staring down at your fingers, but you felt his eyes on you.

"How are you feeling?"

You suddenly started to cry, startling the man in front of you. He looked at you with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

"I-I'm sorry." You covered your face with your hands as you tried to calm down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, don't worry about me. I can leave you alone if you want."

He turned around and was on his way out of the room when you called after him, making him freeze on the spot.


A very low voice came out of you, enough for him to hear and making his heart almost stop. His pulse started to increase, and it felt like the air got stuck inside of him.

Jimin wasn't sure if what he heard was right or if it's just his hearing playing tricks with him. His vision became blurry because of the tears that he so hard tried not to fell.

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