Chap. 39 Foam

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Arthur POV

You woke up when Jimin tried to lose your arms around him. You were laying your head on his bare chest hugging him even tighter.

A soft sigh was heard following with a sexy morning voice.

"Love, I have to go to work." He said caressing your bare back.

"What time is it...?" You mumbled still having your eyes closed. You felt extremely sleepy and laying on his chest while having his arms around you, you couldn't wish for anything else in the moment.

"It's 7am."

You groaned after hearing him. This was way too early for you. And it wasn't like you had a job at the moment. Working for Mr Talapi was the only way you were making money. But now that he's dead, you had no job. At least that's what you thought.

"Five more minutes..." you mumbled again in your sleepy voice.

You opened your eyes slightly and looked up at his face. Jimin smiled down at you and gave you a peak on your nose tip. A smile formed on your lips.

"Good morning baby." He said softly.

"Can't you stay here with me today?" You asked him half asleep. You saw that he was about to protest so you gave him your best puppy eyes. "Pleaaaseee."

"Stop looking at me like that, you know I can't resist you." Jimin said lifting your chin up to kiss you.

His alarm went off making him break the warm contact of his lips. After turning it off he sat up by the edge of the bed. You sat also up rubbing your eyes. A cold breeze hit your chest making you shiver.

You got a bit surprised as you saw your chest was completely exposed, your tidies were just hanging. A chuckle left Jimins mouth. Looking up at him you saw he was already staring at you.

You rolled your eyes and pulled the covers to cover yourself but he was quickly to them away and pick you up from the bed.

You didn't even protest and just let him carry you to your bathroom. He placed you down on the counter and grabbed his bag he had with him.

This was the first time you saw him topless in light. You could finally see his perfectly features on his body. You didn't exactly got to see his body last night... well... except for his dick. He had his shirt on until you guys got to bed. And after your guys little interaction, you went straight to bed and slept.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin asked taking you back from your thoughts. You didn't even realize you were staring at him for way too long. You were admiring his new tattoos he got while you two were separated.

"Are you gonna let me sit here naked?"

He came back to you with his toothbrush and stood between your legs. He hummed to your question looking down at them. Your face was literally a tomato, but you were cool.

"So that I can see them." He simply said.

You were still sleepy so you leaned over and laid your head on his chest while wrapping your arms and legs around him. Jimin brushed his teeth while holding you with his one arm.

"Can't you stay? This is our first morning together."

Jimin looked down at you seeing your sad face. Your eyes were closed but your lips were pouting. He couldn't help himself from smiling at how cute you looked.

"Wook a me." He said and you sat back up straight. "I have o go o work oday becauth I have an importhant meeting with a client. It will take maybe two hours and then I'll be back to you and you can have me all day. How that sounds?" His mouth was full of foam as he spoke.

You nodded your head and a yawn left your mouth. "Can I go back to bed now?"

"Give me a kiss first?" He said making you raise an eyebrow at him. He started to lean forward towards your lips but you only leaned backwards almost hitting your head on the mirror.

"Jimin stop!" You tried to push him away but he kept going.

"Come on. Just one."

"That is disgusting! Get of me!"

At the end he managed to give you a wet big kiss on your cheek leaving his foam on your skin. He started to laugh seeing the look on your face.

"EWW!!" You screamed wiping it off as you climbed down. "You nasty boy." You mumbled to yourself but he still heard you as you walked out.


Jimin got to work seeing that Jungkook was already there waiting for him in his office.

"How we doing?" He asked him as he took a sit behind his desk.

"Everything is ready. They will be here in 15 minutes."

"Alright good."

"Hyung?" Jk called after him as he was tipping on his computer. Without looking up at him he hummed to let him know that he could talk.

"Mina cried last night." The mention of his daughter made him look up at Jungkook.

"What? Why?" He stopped working on his computer and had his full attention on the younger.

"I'm not sure. But I think it was because she had a bad dream and then got to your room only to find that you weren't there. So she started to cry thinking that something bad happened."

Jimin remembered that he left last night without saying goodbye because she was asleep.

"Alright thank you. I'll give her a call before the meeting."

After that Jungkook left the office and Jimin took out his phone and called Lisa.


I know this chapter was short but I haven't really had the time but I promised to give you guys something so...

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