Chap. 13 I do

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Hi babies❤️

Sorry for the late update. I've been seek and wasn't feeling good in the past few weeks. But to make up to you I wrote a long chapter. So enjoy angels.

Love ya💜💜


Jimin POV

After Y/n got to spend time with her baby I had texted Lisa to come and get him. I wanted to talk to her. And I couldn't do that when all her attention was on her son.

Soon after I texted her, she came and took Felix with her out of the room. Now we were left alone. I could tell that she was nervous. She didn't even look me in the eyes. I was nervous too.

I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed watching her standing a couple meters in front of me.

"You look beautiful." After hearing me saying that she finally looked up at me with her pretty sparkly eyes.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." She said giving me a small smile.

After a good time of staring looking each other on the eyes she broke the eye contact and cleared her throat looking down on the floor.

"We shouldn't be seen together, Jimi..." she hurried to the door and was ready to leave.

I stepped to the side blocking her way making her almost bump into me. She took a step back while holding her dress staring at me with doe eyes.

I had to fight myself not to pull her into my arms and kiss her all over... oh god help me.

I had to maintain cool and not to show her that her presence and closeness made nervous and crazy.

"We need to talk." I said to her. I reached my hands to the door and locked it. "No need to worry about people seeing us. No one will get in."


"What happened Y/n? Where were you all this time? I thought I had lost you. I thought you were dead."

She looked at me opening her mouth but closed it again without saying a word. There was a long pause before words came out of her mouth.

"That day... I had just left the hospital with Felix. There was a car following us but I didn't think much of it cause I thought that maybe it was just heading on the same direction. I remember it hitting us from behind and then a few seconds later we were in the air heading down towards the water. I... I was so scared. The window was down so it only took seconds until the car was filled with water. At that moment I thought I was gonna die. The last thing I remember was my lungs screaming for air and Felix trying to get me out of the car. I then woke up in a hospital a few weeks later not knowing where I was... or who I was."


I sat there looking at all the people standing in front of me in white robes. They were all completely strangers to me. I had never seen them before.

Looking around I noticed I had wires connecting to me and some machines. I was of course in a hospital, that much I could tell.

An older man walked past them and stood at the side of the bed with a stethoscope around his neck. He looked to be between 55-65 years old.

"Hi there. I'm Dr Bin. How are you feeling ma'am?" He asked me.

How I am feeling? Well... I'm not really sure how I'm feeling right now. I feel... nothing.

I looked up at him not knowing what to tell him. He looked at the others before writing something on his block he had on his hand. He then looked back at me and asked me another question.

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