Chap. 12 Mommy

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Jungkook POV

Everyone had woken up early cause it was Jimins wedding day. A lot of preparation were made and we were sitting at our house going through the plan.

"We can't mess this up. Or thousands of people will die. And that would be on us." Namjoon said and let out a heavy sigh.

"She remembers..." Jimin said looking into the table in front of him but his mind was somewhere else. We all turned to him.

"What?" Jin asked him who sat at his right side.

"Y/n... her memories are back. She remembers everything." He threw his head back on the couch and run his fingers through his blond hair and let out a deep sigh.




"And she's gonna be at your wedding seeing you marry another woman." Lucas said making everyone turn to him.

We all sat the quietly thinking of her. I missed her so much. I missed my Nona.

I was happy for a little moment knowing that she remembers us and got excited cause maybe I could finally meet her and hug her. But that happiness soon disappeared after thinking about how she must feel right now.

She didn't deserve any of this. The pain she must go through right now, I can't even imagine how that must feels like.

"We should get going guys." Jimin sat back up and looked at each and every one of us. "Y/n shouldn't be the reason for this plan to fail. We can't let that happen. I won't let that happen."

He stood up and was about to leave when he stopped and turned back to us.

"And remember, to keep them alive no matter what. I don't want anything to happen to the two of them. And if you have to kill... then so be it."


I walked into our room seeing Taehyung taking some pills and swallowing with water.

He is not on any medication. Not as I know about.



"What are you doing?" My arms were wrapped around his waist as I placed my chin on his shoulder watching him through the mirror.

"Are you on medication?" I asked him. It took a second before he answered me.

"Just some painkillers. My head hurts a little."

"Are you gonna be okay or do you wanna rest? There's plenty of time before the wedding so you can..."

"Hey hey... I'm okay. I can handle it, bunny. Don't worry about me." He turned around and cupped my cheeks giving me a soft kiss on the lips.

Taehyung POV

I was staring deep into his innocent brown eyes. He gave me a sweet smile and I returned one too.

I hated that I had to lie to him. To everyone. But I was afraid. I didn't wanna be a burden. I didn't wanna hurt my baby. I know that the truth would break him. But I will tell him when the time is right.

"I love you." He said and gave me a quick kiss out of nowhere.

"Can you say that again?"

He chuckled giving me his eye smile melting my heart.

"I love you..."


"I love you Kim Taehyung."

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