Chap. 36 Paid

247 18 4

Arthur POV

"So how did it go?" Yoongi asked them with a grin on his face after seeing the two boys sad face.

They crushed down on the couch next to each other and let out a loud sigh.
"He threw a pillow at us."

"And he still has my tablet with him." Taehyung pouted.

"I told you guys he would flip. What did you guys think? Fricking 3 million for a honeymoon? Where the hell are you planning to go? Living with the Saudi Arabia royalties?!" Jin said as he tried not to laugh at their faces.

"We planed to travel through Africa for three weeks and see all the amazing animals and see the ocean. There are three countries I really wanted to visit. See the pyramids and ride the camels in Egypt and then go to Tanzania and go to safari and climb Kilimanjaro and then visit the island Zanzibar and eat delicious food and swim by the beautiful beaches. And South Africa... Ugh!!"

Jungkook threw his head back seeing how their plan had come crashing down with less than 5 minutes.

"Ohh, I've always wanted to go to Tanzania and see the wild animals." Jhope commented making Yoongi look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You? Wild animals?" He started to laugh. "Yeah, I'd like to see that." Jhope looked at him in disbelief and turned away from him.

"This is your fault!" Taehyung snapped at his husband. The maknaes eyes grew.

"Pardon?! How is this my fault?!"

"And here we go again." Rm mumble under his breath as he was reading his book next to Jin. The rest of the boys stopped paying attention to them.

"You should have maned up!"

"Why me?!! Couldn't you have done that?!"

"It's because you're stronger!! You should have grabbed him and threatened him for going back on his promise!!"

Jungkook had to take a second to see if he was serious. Even the boys had to look at him for a second.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"Language, you idiot!!" Jin scolded him across the table.

"Sorry, hyung." He said in a low voice only to turn back to his husband and raid his voice again. "He isn't the same person he was 1,5 year ago! Haven't you seen how mush stronger and bigger he has become?! Do you want me to die?!!"

"Whatever!! Our dreams are ruined anyway!! And you know what?!" Taehyung stood up with an angry expression. "I'm gonna go up to him and..."


He stopped talking and picked up his phone from his pocket in annoyance. It was an email. He read it quickly and let out a scream, dropping his phone as if it just caught fire.

Everyone around him was startled and stared at him in shock.

"W-what?! W-what happened?!" Jk asking him, eyes big of curiosity. Taehyung just pointed at his phone on the floor with a trembling hand.

Seeing a single tear came out of Taehyungs eyes, Jungkook became nervous. He slowly picked up the phone and stood up in front of his husband.

Namjoon had to even close his book to know what was going on. After reading the email Jk looked at Taehyung. They both stood there in silence looking at each other as if they couldn't believe what they just read.

Everyone was frozen trying to analyze their faces. The silence was driving them crazy.

"He paid..." Tae whispered.

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