Chap. 29 Boyfriend

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I just wanna ask you something

Do you think my story/book would have been a good movie/serie?
Do you think it would be worth watching it?


You and Zena sat by the living room across each other. Aiden had taken Felix to your bedroom so that the two could talk privately.

Everything was so awkward now as none of you two were talking.

You couldn't even look her in the eyes because of the guilt you were feeling. Your leg was shaking and you played with your fingers nervously.

"I missed you." Zena started talking. "I missed having you around... I missed my sister."

"I-I'm... sorry." Your voice was shaking and barely audible.

You wanted to cry. You felt like the worst person ever for hurting her feelings. Even after everything she still called you her sister.

"Why didn't you just tell me that your memories were back? I've waited so long for you to come to me, but you never showed up after I got home from the hospital."

"Because... I didn't know how to tell you..."

You didn't even know how to finish that sentence. There were so many things you didn't know how to tell her.

"How you got your memories back and who actually saved you? Or that my marriage was just a part of the plan? Or maybe... how you and Jimin were married before your accident?"

You sat there without saying a word, still not looking at her. You tried had not to let the tears flow and Zena could clearly see that.

"I... I didn't want you to think that I... I was trying to ruin your marriage, or that I was trying to get him back if I told you about my past. I didn't wanna hurt you because I knew how much you loved him. So I didn't know how to tell you that your son-to-be husband was your family's biggest enemy. That I was your family's enemy. I didn't want you to hate me. But I understand if you do now."

"Hey..." she said softly and came to sit down next to you. "I don't hate you. Look at me Y/n."

She lifted your head with both of her hands and made you look at her. You now saw that her eyes were glistening because of her own tears.

"Please don't cry my baby." She said and whipped away your tears, that were now falling. "Come here."

She pulled you so that your head was resting on her chest as she wrapped one hand around your back and the other one around your head.

You broke down and started to cry.

"I-I'm so sorry."

"Shhhh. I understand why you kept it from me. Your were just looking out for my feelings. I know you would never hurt me."

Moment passed by and she let you stay in her arms until you had calmed down.

"What did I do to deserve you?" You asked her.

"You got of the bridge." Zena laughed softly making you chuckle at her.


"Where is she?"

"Jimin calm down. They'll be here any minute."

Jimin and Zena were sitting in a empty restaurant waiting for the two of you to show up. Zena had asked you out to a birthday dinner with the four of you. And Jimin being the inpatient man when it came to you, he was asking about your arrival after every five minutes.

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