Chap. 31 Kisses

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Feel like this chapter was shit but I had to give you guys something.

There's probably some misspelling.

So enjoy🙂❤️‍🩹


You kissed him back. You could literally feel his lips forming a smile when you gave in. For a few seconds you forgot about the world outside the room.

Not until you felt how Jimins tongue slipped through your lips, making you let out a weak moan, when a wave of realization hit you.

Even though you didn't want it to end, you knew you had to. This was wrong. Wrong in so many ways.

With all the strength that was left, you pushed him away from you.

"Jimin... what the fuck are we doing?!" You looked up at him while covering your mouth with your hands, tears already visible in your eyes.


Jimin tried to hold you again but you were quickly to move aside, avoiding his touch.

"I-I need to get out of here." You mumbled to yourself and started to walk towards the door with tears falling down.

"Y/n wait!" Jimin said and was fast to come in front of you making you almost bump into him.

"No..." you said taking a step to the side.

Jimin also moved on the same direction trying to stop you.

"Y/n stop."


No matter which direction you took, he didn't let you pass him.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!" You screamed at his face, having enough of him trying to stop you.

Jimin stopped but he still didn't move away. You turned around grabbing your hair in frustration, trying to calm yourself down.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?"

You stopped. For a second your sniffing, your cries, your emotions just stopped. As if someone had just flipped a switch on you.

You turned around, not believing that he just asked you that. You looked him in the eyes not saying anything for a couple of seconds.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Jimin?" You asked, taking a few steps closer to him. "We just..."

You started while pointing towards his desk where you two were kissing but couldn't get the words out. Taking a few breaths you tried to talk again.

"We kissed, Jimin! Alright! Kissed! And you're asking me what's wrong?! Why the hell did you take me here?!"

"Yeah, I kissed you. So what? I don't regret it." He said with not even the slightest guilt visible in his eyes.

You looked at him in pity. After remembering how he was at the beginning of your marriage, you weren't completely surprised that he would cheat. Even though you hoped that he would change with time, and be a better man.

"You never change, do you? And now you made us cheat."

"Your little boyfriend ain't gonna stop me. Stop playing with that kids feelings, Y/n. I know you are together with him because of me."

He placed his hand on your waist pulling you closer to him. This only made you more angry, resulting in you slapping him hard.

Jimin was surprised by the sudden sting on his cheek. His head was turned to the side, not turning back to you.

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