Chap. 23 Mr Talapis downfall

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Hi bitches!

Just wanted to say "prepare yourself". The next few chapters might not be... ehm... as you like...

Remember I love you all🥹 so pls don't come after me😖🙏🏾


Jimin POV

I got out from my office and was heading towards the front door. I decided to work from home because of what will happen tonight.

I meet one of the maid and stopped her.

"Could you please tell Zena to come downstairs, we're leaving."

"But, sir, she already left 20 minutes ago."

For fucks sake!

I stopped walking and turned to her and glared at her.

"And why the hell did you not inform me about that?!"

She looked down at her feet and apologized a couple of times. I took a deep breath and called Hoseok.

"Hyung, Zena left. I think she went after her father and might put herself in danger. I'll head over there. Tell everyone it's time and come prepared."

"Alright, we will meet you there."

We hung up and I got to my car and drove away following Zena on a gps.

Arthur POV

In no time Jimin managed to catch up with Zenas car. They were now on a road outside of the city. There was no cars no buildings or anything. Only trees surrounded them.

He hit the gas to the fullest and drove past her. Jimin turned his steering wheel to her side and stopped in front of her making her hit the brakes hard. A cloud of dust was created behind her car.

The car was now only inches away from hitting Jimins.

She looked up with heavy breath and saw that Jimin got out of the car. Soon after she also got out.

"What are you doing?! I could have hit you!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, huh?! Going off like that all alone to a dangerous place without any warning or backups!"

Jimin was angry. Anyone could notice that so Zena didn't say anything.

Jimin run his fingers through his hair in frustration before speaking again.

"Get in the car." He said in a calmer tone as he opened the passenger seat. But Zena didn't move a millimeter.

"No. I'm not going back with you."

"We aren't going back. I'll drive you myself. I don't want you to go there alone. So please just get in the car."

Zena did not wish to see him more angry. At least not to her so she did as he said and got in his car.

Jimin then drove off to the destination where Mr Louis gave them.


Mr Talapi and his brothers were preparing themselves to set of the rockets. Diana was also there wanting to see when the rockets takes off and destroy her family's enemies.


Everyone turned around from the screens seeing Zena standing at the door. They all looked surprised except for Diana who actually couldn't give a damn.

"Zena, baby what are you doing here?" Her father asked her. "Is everything okay? Why are you crying?"

"What's up cuz?"

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