Chap. 6 A look alike

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Jasmine POV

"So let me guess. Mr Talapi sent you to spy on me. To see if you could find anything unusual about me. To see if I was a good man to his daughter. And doing this behind Zenas back? But I must tell you that you really need to improve your hiding skills."

I wanted to laugh.

Oh god this man.

He got much closer to me. Like really close. Our faces inches apart.

"So tell me miss. Did you find anything interesting about me?" He whispered to me as he reached out his hand to take of my mask.

He was so calm and didn't look to be showing any signs of fear. Since the light came from the window behind me I could clearly see his eyes staring down at me. He looked so... breathtaking.

I was captured by his eyes almost as they were manipulating me. I was so lost that I didn't even feel him taking of my mask.

The lights suddenly turns on and I quickly got my sense back and turned my head harshly to the side to prevent him from taking it off.

But it was to late.

The mask fell down due to the fast movements and him holding it. Our eyes met and we both froze.

His eyes widen as soon as he saw my face. After a few seconds of staring at each other a could see that he started to get teary.

What was wrong with him? Why does it look like he's gonna cry?

"Alexander...?" I called for him but that's when a tear fell down.

He took a small step back but didn't have much balance making him almost falling. With my fast instincts I took a step towards him trying to catch him, but he managed to grab a table behind him and knocks over a flower pot to the floor.


"No.... No.... No..."

It looked like he couldn't even breathe. His breathing was so heavy. It looks like he is panicking. But over what?

Was I uglier than he expected? Why is he reacting like this? But to be honest I'm kinda worried about him.

He loosened his collar and hurried to the door. I just stood there watching him until he disappeared from my sight and trying to proses what the hell just happened.

Should I go after him? It's literally pouring outside. Is he gonna be okay?

Without another thought I run out of my apartment and stepped out of the building. The rain immediately hits me and I could feel the coldness spread across my body.

Shit. I should've taken an umbrella me and my stupid ass.

I run at one direction hoping it was the right one as I looked at every corner of the street and calling after him. It was dark and it was raining a lot so it wasn't easy to see.

I stopped on the sidewalk to catch my breath. Shit I hate running.

This is useless. I'm not gonna find him in this weather. His probably far away now.

Just when I was about to turn around and head back home, someone grabbed my arm from behind and turned me around pulling me into their chest.

I froze and didn't know what to do. He hugged me so tight as if I would disappear any second. I immediately knew who it was.


"I'm sorry, Y/n." His voice was cracking. He had been crying. "I'm sorry it took me this long to find you."

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