Chap. 41 Mr Monroe

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Jimin POV

I had Mina sitting on my lap as she was watching her program on her tablet while I was working on my computer.

I was working from home because I didn't feel like going to the company. And also because I wanted to spend time with my family.

Y/n had to meet up with Aiden because he had apparently gifted her a puppy on her birthday so they are gonna go get it.

That idiot!

And if I didn't have this important work I had to finish today then I would've gone with her.

Should I call her?

No no no

Let's just finish this work and then I'll call her later tonight.

An hour later I was done with my work and wrapped my arms around Mina, watching her show with her.

There was a knock on the door and I allowed the person to come in. It was one of our maids.

"Sir, dinner is ready."

"Thank you. We'll be there soon." I said and she left the room.


We were all gathered together at the table, except for Jungkook and Taehyung who had already left for their trip yesterday.

And of course my beautiful pumpkin.

I wonder if she has eaten?

Is she back home?

Oh I miss her so much already.

I let out a sigh and continued to eat. Everyone else was talking to each other about random things like they always do. But me... my mind was somewhere else.

I suddenly felt how it became completely quiet. Looking up I see that everyone was staring at me. I looked at them confused.


"We have been calling but you weren't answering. Are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I was just thinking about something."

He nodded but I could see on his face that he wanted to ask me more but didn't.

"Was there anything you wanted to tell me?"

"No no. It's just that you seemed... lost. So I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm okay, hyung. No need to worry." I told him and they went back to eating again.

"Do you guys wanna go back to Korea?" I asked them straight out in the middle of their conversation.

They all stopped talking and turned to me again. None of them said anything for a couple of seconds and kept looking at one another.

"I never thought you'd ask." Yoongi said dramatically with his mouth full while pointing his chopstick at me. His face showed a look of 'why haven't you asked that question sooner?'

"I do actually wanna go back." Jin said.

"Appa, I also wanna go back." She said while pointing at herself.

I smiled at them. "Really."

They all nodded and started to talk about how they missed home and shit.

I spotted one specific person who didn't say much about it and just sat there quietly listening to us.

After the dinner everyone went back to their room. Lucas and Lisa went out for a walk with the kids. And I had just gotten out of the shower.

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