Chap. 38 🔞Trying something🔞

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Guys, this is my first time writing a smut and I wrote this small smut all by myself.

Please don't come after me if it's bad🥹 it was harder than I thought.

Enjoy or just skip it if you're uncomfortable.



"What?" I uttered quietly. I backed away a bit to see him more, but he leaned in and kissed me right under my jaw going upwards to my ear.

"Tell me... is it true? Did you sleep with Aiden?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit harsh. It was filled with anger and jealousy.


He stopped kissing me and pulled his head back to see me. And... he didn't look so happy. His eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched as he stared at me. I didn't dare move an inch.

But why was he getting mad? It's not like I cheated on him. I was single and he... he had just gotten married to another woman. I was miserable. He should understand that.

I placed both my hands on his cheeks while rubbing his skin with my thumbs. "Baby?" I called after him softly.

A second later he slammed his lips on mine kissing me like there's no tomorrow. I unintentionally let out a weak moan through the kiss, feeling a flutter in my stomach., making me go weak by the sudden action.

His kiss was intense, filled with a mixture of desire and frustration. As the seconds passed by, as our kiss deepened, tongue colliding fighting for dominance, an electric wave went through my body making my hair to stand up on my neck.

A warm hand made its way under my hoodie and slowly going upwards until it reached my left breast. Giving it a firm squeeze over my bra, I let out a small gasp which only gave him the chance to insert his tongue into my mouth. The passion between us escalated, leaving me both breathless and eager for more.

He lifted my hoodie and took it over my head and threw it somewhere on the floor. I was once again pulled in to a heated kiss.

My pussy was literally pulsating with excitement and his length that was poking me didn't help much. By the way he was aggressively kissing me, I knew he wouldn't stop until we had felt each other completely.

Jimin's lips left mine, trailing down to my neck as I involuntarily moaned. The sensation of his warm breath and soft kisses sent shivers down my spine.

Jimin POV

Pulling away from her lips, I couldn't ignore the ache in my chest. Gripping a handful of her hair, I tugged gently, exposing the delicate curve of her neck.

"You let another man touch you?" The words escaped me, laced with a mixture of anger and hurt. The thought alone fueled a possessiveness I hadn't anticipated.

My fingers traced a path along her skin, feeling the warmth beneath them. "How could you let someone else touch your body?" The question hung heavy in the air, my frustration evident as I sought solace in the intimate connection we once shared.

With a sense of desperation, I pressed my lips to her neck, a silent plea for reassurance and a reclaiming of what felt rightfully mine. I sucked and dug my teeth into her flesh.

I let go of her hair and reached down to her pajama pants. My hand slipped through the thin fabric and over her clothed pussy. Her panties were moist, telling me just how wet she already was.

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