He's A Married Man

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Hey ya'll so I just wanted to add something else that I realized while I was writing the other chapter. It is going to be a struggle to write these other chapters because I am no longer into BVB or any other bands, I was writing these when I was in my rock/punk era so now I'm in my rap/hip hop era, but again that does not mean I'm going to discontinue. Hope you guys like these chapters, also give it a vote or a comment I always liked reading them bc it gives me feedbacks.

Andy's POV

I stared at the vehicle that was in front of me and in front of her house. It's been a while since I've seen him and I probably would have liked to keep it like that but again she and him have a son together as well. Not that easy to get rid of I thought to myself. I sighed and got out of my car just as he did too. "What are you doing here?"

I stopped in front of her door and looked at him, "I came to talk to her" just as he was about to speak we heard glass falling from inside the house. I knocked once, then twice, and again. "Something's not right" I mumbled.

"Autumn opened the door it's me Aaron" he screamed, I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Pick on it" he demanded, I stopped and faced him, man I was ready to come at him but the noise coming from inside snapped me out of my fantasy.

"Don't tell me what to do it, I know what I'm doing" I stated firmly, the damn doorknob wouldn't budge, so I did what came to my mind and that was to knock it down. After what feels like so many attempts, we finally knocked it down and we couldn't believe what was happening.

Anger immediately took over my body and the next thing I know is I'm cursing his ass off and beating the shit out of him. "You dirty piece of shit" I shouted while my fist made contact with his face over and over again. "I'm killing you motherfucker I swore I would if you hurt her"

"Andy that's enough you'll kill him" Aaron pulled me back causing me to fall down the floor. I was panting heavily, his blood was on my knuckles, on my pants and shirt.

"He deserves it and more, she trusted him and look at what he's done to her" a cry behind caught my attention, it was Autumn, her make up was smeared, her hair was a mess, her pants were put up half way and she was just curled up in a ball. My anger was replaced by hurt. I walked up to her, cupping her face in my hands.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm here now and nothing is going to harm you anymore" with that she let herself go. She gripped my shirt tightly, buried her face on my neck "not while I'm here" I kissed the top of her head and looked at Aaron. He signal 911 with his number I only nodded. He was going to go away and he was going to pay.


Autumn's POV

I think it was about a week when the whole incident happened with Stephen. After Aaron called the police they came pretty quick and took him, I had to write a report about what had happened. The day that I went to file it I saw Stephen sitting on a chair with his head on hands, I couldn't look at him and he couldn't either. He was ashamed for what he had tried to do, and I was hurt because I never expected him to.

"You should go again" Michelle came and sat down next to me on the couch. I was taken to the hospital to get checked out, I was fine, at least I thought i was. Was it close? Yeah. Am I traumatized? Most definitely. But I think that it's karma coming at me for treating the people I love like shit.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now