He's A Married Man

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I'm sorry I haven't updated, I had writers block and I tried to make this interesting but nothing seem to come in mind. You can sue me.


Autumn's POV

"What do you mean you tried to abort?" Aaron dropped the roses he had looking at me with hurt and angry eyes. I looked down ashamed. I didn't want him to find out about that. I shut my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Aaron listen-" he shook his head and ran towards me holding me by my shoulders, I winced at how hard he was gripping on my shoulders. "You're hurting me" he was pulled back by a annoyed Andy.

"Why are you here?" he glared at Andy then looked behind me, Valerie was hiding behind Andy's legs not daring to look up. "Who's she?"

"They were just leaving" I quickly said pushing Andy out of the house, he grabbed my hands and went back to the living room where Aaron was staring at the floor.

"I've been wanting to tell you something" Aaron looked up at him confused. He nodded letting him processes. "Remember the beach?" my husband slowly nodded not understanding why he was telling him this but I did and I needed to stop him before he said it.

"Andy stop" I grabbed his hand but he pulled it back not taking his eyes off Aaron.

"No I'm tired of this" he moved closer to Aaron, it was kind of funny to watch Aaron look up at Andy. What was I thinking? This was a serious moment that needed to be stopped. "Three days later, I came here when you were gone and guess what?"

"Please don't" I whispered but he ignored me and kept talking.

"I fucked your wife" he smirked, "I fucked her the way she likes it, I touched every part of her, no one can make her cum five times in a row like I can, no one can make her feel good like I can. I fucked her real good and hard" I was embarrassed by now, I wanted the ground to split and drag me down so I wouldn't have to face this.

Aaron's face was red as a tomato, his fist was clenched and his veins were very visible on his neck. He was angry. A lot.

"And in result?" he snorted and came to me wrapping his arms around me resting his hands on my stomach. "I got her pregnant" I couldn't move, my feet were stuck on the floor, fuck I was paralyzed.

Suddenly Aaron's face softened and he looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes, it broke my heart. I wanted to get on my knees and beg him for forgiveness. I wanted to tell him that they were his kids and not Andy's. For the first time in a while, I wanted to beat the hell out of Andy until he was unconscious.

I pushed Andy away and made my way to Aaron who still haven't said anything other than stare at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he held up a hand cutting me off.

"Just tell me this" he gulped and quickly wiped a year away that fell down his cheek. "Did you ever love me?" I let out a sob and fell down on my knees grabbing the end of his shirt.

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to but I just couldn't. I tried, I really did but there was something that wouldn't let me" I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand, "forgive me, please, you don't deserve this" he placed his hand on my waist and lifted me up.

He cupped my cheeks and deeply stared at me, "You mean someone" he said softly looking behind me. "I knew you never loved me like I do..I thought that maybe getting you to marry me would make you love me but you never did, It's always been him"

He let go off me and looked up at the ceiling. "Can I do something?" I nodded and he slowly started to lean in, I didn't even backed away I let him. He pressed his lips on mine, they were soft and cold but I didn't mind, I liked them.. I felt something inside me move, it wasn't the babies because they were too small, it was something familiar when I first kissed Andy. He pulled back and smiled. I was left with wanting more of him. "That will be the last time I'll touch you"

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now