He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

When I left the restaurant, I went straight to the hotel and grabbed all my clothes, noticing how Andy's clothes were gone, nothing was left behind, except me. Maybe this was his way of breaking up with me, it was something new to me. This has never happened to me before.

I was hurt, and a lot. I don't think I'd be able to face him if I see him after. But come to think of it, he's the one that's wouldn't be able to face me. He left me without saying anything.

When I was at the airport I called Kayla, she immediately picked up, "hello?" She was sleeping, of course she would, she has been doing my job for almost a week.

"Kayla" my voice cracked a little, I heard a few shuffling before she answered me back.

"Autumn what happened?" I cleared my throat rubbing my eyes to avoid any watery stuff coming from my eyes. "Autumn" her voice was filled with worry.

"I'm coming back home" I managed to say.

"I thought you were coming home after a week?" She questioned.

"Something came up, I need to come back"

"What about Andy?" I stayed quiet, and that made her ask more questions, she knew something was up between him and I.

"I need to get in the plane, I'll see you in a few hours" I said before hanging up and getting in the plane.


When I got home, Kayla attacked me with hugs, I missed her so much. I missed talking to her about everything, like it used to be. "Now will tell me?"

I nodded and sat down on one of the couches, "but first tell me how is it going with you" I said, she sighed and shook her head.

"Girl, I don't know how you can do all this, modeling isn't my thing." I chuckled and got up to sit next to her. I grabbed her hand patting it.

"I don't know either but thank you for doing it" I smiled at her.

"It's no problem but now tell me" she practically begged. I sighed and looked down at the floor remembering how I felt last night.

"Everything was going so well, you know? Like any other couple would spend their week together" I smiled at the thought of us goofing around basically all day and nights. "Then he asked me to go on a date with him, we had recently been in one but he wanted another one, so I said yes" I could see that she was picturing all of this by the little smile she had on and she was staring off to space.

"I went and took a shower, I got out, got dressed, did everything to get ready. When I was putting makeup on, he send me a text of the restaurant we were gonna go to. After I got ready, I left, when I was there, he wasn't. I thought maybe he was running mate, so I waited for an hour, but nothing, he didn't come" she was hugging me now, whispering that it's okay for me to cry, but I didn't and I would never.

"He's a douche bag for doing that to you, and God help me if I ever see that shit head I would torture him, cut his ba-lls off first, then I wo-" I shut her mouth with my hand. She looked at me with her big round green eyes.

"Don't say that" I said, she nodded.

"I promised not to get in your relationship, and I'm keeping that promise"

"Forgive me, I shouldn't have told you all those things. You were just trying to help like another best friend would"

"There's nothing to apologize for, you were right, I was giving you negative things for your relationship" with that she got up and headed to her room, muttering about how tired she was.

•| 4 days later |•

"Autumn look a little to the left" I sighed and did as I was told, "perfect now a different pose"

It had been four days and he still hasn't called me or send me a text. I just wanted to know if what I was thinking was right or wrong, I needed to hear it come out from him.

"Next" the photographer said, the girls came to me and changed me into a different bikini, I was modeling for a bikini magazine right now and these basically showed your n!pples and v•agina.

"Autumn someone is calling you!" One of the hairstyles girl said holding my phone high.

"She can't take any calls! Put that away!" She flinched at the toned of the photographer-Josh-. She didn't say anything, just put my phone back in my purse.

After an hour of modeling for all this stuff, I got into my normal clothes and left the place. Once I was outside I checked my phone, it felt like the whole world was spinning around me.

He had called me, five times.

I sighed in relief thanking that I was at work, I wasn't ready to face him.

I put my headphones on walking all the way home, I didn't bring my car because Kayla decided to take it last night and crash it, she was fine though. No damage on her.

I didn't notice I stopped in front of a park until I felt something small push me over, I cursed while I was falling.

A gasp caught my attention, I turned around to see a little girl with a bandage around her head, she had her little hands covering her mouth staring at me with wide eyes,

"I'm sorry" her voice was very sweet, I sighed and smiled at her, showing her that nothing had happened to me.

"That's okay, nothing happened" she couldn't stop staring at me, it's like she was taking every single detail of me.

"Oh it's you" she sounded so surprised, I looked at her confused. She had notice because she began to explain, "my daddy saw you on the big screen thingy yesterday" I don't know her daddy.

"Did he?" I got down at her height grabbing a piece of her curly hair twirling it around my finger.

"Yeah and mommy got mad" ...

"Well tell your dad I said thank you for watching me" I said standing up and leaving, but she somehow catches up to me.

"I'm Valeria"


HIIIIIIIIIIIIII , comment, vote, share, I hope you guys liked this chapter..I didn't? Maybe I did, but trust me when I say this. It'll get hella better, I promise (:

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now