He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

My phone ringed letting me know I got a message. I quickly grabbed it and looked at who send me a text. Andy.

Before he left, he asked for my number. I of course gave it to him considering I would hang out with him more often. That was one week ago.

Andy: Get ready, wear something casual, I'm picking you up in 15 minutes

15 minutes. He gives me 15 freaking minutes to get ready. It's not easy, apparently I dress like a hobo without Kayla's help.

I would of called her but she's not here for a week or two. She went to visit her family in New York. So basically I was screwed.

I quickly went to my closet and searched for a matching outfit.

*20 minutes later*

I sighed in relief after I finished doing my makeup

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I sighed in relief after I finished doing my makeup. Andy had send me another text saying how he couldn't make it in 15 minutes due to the traffic. That gave me five minutes extra to get ready and I was lowkey thankful that he was stuck in the traffic, he would never know I said that.

The door bell rang, I quickly got up and looked at myself one last time checking if my makeup was still good and not smudge. I was quite glad at how I dressed.

I skipped the stairs and opened the door, a smile finding its way to my face. I was honestly happy to see him again. This is such a weird feeling.

"Hey" I said closing and locking the door behind me. He grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss smiling at me. My face turned red.

"Hello beautiful" if it was even possible I blushed more. "Where do you want to go?" He's asking me, I don't know much about LA.

"How about the beach? It's not too hot, nor too cold. I think it's perfect" I said shrugging my shoulders. He smiled.

"The beach it is"


When we got to the beach, there weren't a lot of people, it was calm and quite. I enjoyed the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks.

"It's beautiful" I said, the view was beautiful, the sunset and the seagulls made it wonderful.

"Just like you" I looked down and smiled. The feeling of the sand touching my feet made me even more calm. It was so soothing.

Something catch my eye, it was his left hand. I never knew guys would wear rings especially on their ring finger. They thought it was gay, I thought it was perfectly fine for a guy to wear one or more.

But this one looked like a wedding ring. I didn't know whether to ask about it or stay quiet. I decided to ask about it.

"Is that a wedding ring? If you don't mind me asking" he instantly stiffened up, before looking at his hand.

"Uh-no, it's just a-" he seemed lost of words. Maybe he was married and didn't want to tell me. I pulled my hand away from his and tugged a piece of hair behind my ear. "No, no, this is just a very important ring that my uh, sister gave me two years ago. She sadly passed away and since then I never took it off" I didn't know what to say.

Except for "Oh I'm sorry" and that's what I said. I grabbed both his hand and started running towards the ocean. He quickly protested but I was being stubborn.

"C'mon just put your feet in the water, it feels nice" I said doing it, the water was warm, just perfect.

"Your jean is going to get we-" he stopped when he saw that I had rolled them up so they wouldn't get wet. "Never mind" he chuckled before doing the same.

We started off with just putting our feet in the water but then he started splashing water to me. I squealed and attempt to get away but my luck wasn't with me, wait no its never with me.

I laughed when he tripped and fell on the water, he was soaked.

"Oh my god you should of seen the face you made" I managed to get out between my laughs. He pouted and reach his out for me to take. I shook my head at him knowing he would probably pull me to the water.

"Help me at least" I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. Seeing his smirk, I immediately regret it. "Ha!" He said once he pulled me. "I can't believe you fell for that" I glared at him before pouting.

"That's not fair" I said, crossing my arms.

"Yes it is" I got up and tried to squeeze all the water from my hair. I stood still before splashing water at him and running away. He screamed my name and I laughed.

"That is call pa- ah!" I squealed when his body collapse on mine. He stared at me for a few seconds, then at my lips and then back at my eyes. He stroked my cheek and slowly started leaning in.

I didn't move or anything. Something told me this was wrong but I wanted this. I don't even know the guy but still.

My thoughts went away when I felt his lips press against mine. His plump lips were warm and soft. They fit perfectly with mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. This felt wrong and right at the same time.

He pulled away and smiled down at me, then looked up. He's face showed horror. He quickly got up and literally pulled me up and started running towards the car.

"Andy slow down" he didn't listen to me though, he just kept on running. He got me in the car slamming the door behind me making me jump. He quickly went the other side and started car.


Once we were back at my house he got out and opened the door and dragged me out. I winced in pain from the grip he had on my arm.

"I'm sorry" he said before getting back in the car and driving away, leaving me with my mouth open. I blinked and went inside, still shocked at what had just happened.

But what did he see that made him act that way?



He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now