He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

I didn't know what to do, should I go to my photo shoot or go with Andy. A part of me wanted me to go with Andy but the other wanted me to forget about him and just do what I love doing. But I could never do that to him, I'd never forgive myself for leaving him like this. He wants this and so do I.

"Jared can we reschedule it?" I asked hoping for him to say yes and then everything would be solved.

"Sorry Hun, I can't do anything about it. If you don't show up then...probably your whole career would be over. This is important Autumn, they need you" I shook my head, tears threaten to run down my cheeks. This couldn't be happening, not right now.

"They don't need me, they can get anyone else. It doesn't have to always be me" he sighed and groaned.

"You haven't told me why you want to reschedule it" I didn't even hesitate, I just told him right away. "Oh" was the only thing that came out of him. "Shit..I'll see what I can do, I'll call you later"

"Yes, please do, thank you Jared" he gave a small laugh then hanged up. Okay so maybe things weren't fucked up yet, I know he'd do everything to reschedule it.


It was nine o'clock at night and I still haven't gotten news about Jared. I didn't want to tell Andy because I knew he would probably get mad or upset and I didn't want that.

"Go to sleep, you have to wake up early tomorrow" I rolled my eyes and turned my back on her, she sighed and closed the door behind her whispering a goodnight.

I know, maybe I'm being too hard with her but she has no right on getting in between my relationship. Like what if-

Jumping off my bed, I quickly grabbed my phone and answered. "Jared what happen? Please tell me you convinced them" there was at least a minute or two of silence, I only waited for him to tell. "Jared please"

"Autumn I'm sorry, I tried I really did but they basically didn't give a fuck and still wants you there tomorrow, I asked them if you can maybe go earlier but they said no because of some shit being full" I wanted to break everyone and everything. This wasn't fair, why would this happen to me right now?

"I'm sorry" I nodded not trusting my voice because I knew if I spoke tears would start falling, so I hung up.

If I don't go my career would be over and if I don't go with Andy..my relationship with him would be over too.

"I'm sorry you can't go"

"Stop getting on my fucking business and mind your own" she gulped and nodded before looking down.

"I just want to help" I shook my head at her and pushed her out but she put both her hands on my shoulders sitting me down on my bed.

"You can help by getting out of here" it hurt me so much to tell her this, but I just wanted to show her that I'm serious about this. That I actually want this relationship to last forever.

"Just hear me out please" I shook my head and pushed her making her stumble and fall, she looked at me in shocked. "Autumn you can-"

"Get out Kayla, I don't need your help, I'll find a way to fix this. I don't need you" I kept pushing her, and she kept on trying to explain but I wouldn't let her.

"Autumn please!" I slammed the door shut, sitting in front of it, my cheeks were wet from all the tears.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed, this hurt me.


Andy's POV

"I love you honey" her giggle would always make me smile. She murmured a "I love you too" before Megan took the phone and hanged up. I wanted to bring Valeria with me but that wouldn't be the right thing to do, Autumn would be so confused and if she knew the truth, she would break up with me in an instant she wouldn't even hesitate.

I wanted to spend this whole week with Autumn alone. I want to make her happy, to make her feel like a queen. Just like I promised I would.

It was 10:05 so I was a little too early but I was just excited, I want this as much as she does.

•|35 minutes later|•

I started to get nervous, it was 10:40. She was supposed to be here already. Just give her ten more minutes, she'll get here on time. She wouldn't just leave me here.

Ten minutes went by fast and she still wasn't here. 10:50, our flight leaves at 11:05 she still haves time.


11:00...I looked around for her hoping I'd find her, that she probably got lost but that would be stupid because she knows this airport so well.

After two music past our flight was called. I blinked away the tears but instead it made them fall. She just left me here.

Maybe that's her way of breaking up with me. I should of known this would of happened, I wasn't good enough for her. I couldn't give her the things she wanted, maybe Kayla was right, maybe Autumn was into guys like Stephen and not someone like me.

I wiped away the tears and turned around towards the exit. I needed to leave Autumn alone.

A tight grip suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts, I groaned and pulled back ignoring them, I wasn't in the mood for anything at the moment.

"What so you're just going to leave me here?" I stopped walking at the sound of her voice, slowly turning around I came face to face with Autumn.

I fell on knees, my legs felt weak. "You didn't came" I whispered.

She cupped my face in her soft hands touching my forehead with hers.

"Baby I would never leave you because I love you" she smiled and nodded, "I love you so much"


Hi it's 11 something pm.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I did ((': can you guys give me some feedback? I'd love that, goodnight 💖

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now