He's A Married Man

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I'm sorry this is suckie, I'm just writing everything that comes to my mind right now.

Two Days Later

Autumn's POV

I stared at the ring that still laid on my ring finger, I didn't dare to take it off. It meant a lot to me even if it meant nothing to Andy, a part of me felt like he did care but I was just trying to fool myself.

"Autumn you can't be like this" Kayla put her hands on my shoulders staring at the same thing. "You know he's not the only guy on earth, there's plenty" I shrugged her off facing her.

"There's no other man like Andy. Everything I ever needed, was love, protection, happiness and life. Andy gave me all of that, I know it's been a year but that year meant so much to me. it's impossible to forget" Kayla sighed, she knew I was right, no other guy made me feel like this.

"You have to try Autumn, please"

I shook my head at her letting out a breath, "I want to be alone, please" she sighed and left my room without another word.

I started sobbing, gripping the blankets tightly until my knuckles started turning white then I felt my nails dig on my skin. I was so mad and upset at myself, this was all my fault.

Letting go the blankets, I noticed the holes that I had made on them. I looked over at my night stand, staring at the picture that I had taken of Andy and I.

We had gone to Paris, we were under the Eiffel Tower at night. It had always been my dream to go there and he finally took me there.

In the picture, Andy was behind me, his arms were wrapped around my waist, I had a weird face on considering that he decided to lick my cheek while I was taking the picture.

"You're such a dork" I mumbled staring at the picture, "and a liar" I couldn't stop the tears now, it was like a river, it couldn't be stopped no matter how hard someone tried to.

Four Days Later

I smashed the photo on the floor. It was too much for me right now, I should get over this by now but when I tried to, I remembered everything he did and I would collapse.

The door opened revealing a very pissed off Kayla, she stormed in gripping my wrist tightly. "Stop this! You are ruining yourself!" I tried breaking free from her grasp but she only tighten her grip on me more. "I hate seeing you like this! You are hurting yourself! Fuck look at you right now, you have bags under your eyes, your hips show more than usual-" before she could go on the door bell ringed.

She took a deep breath and left the room, it was then that I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulders. I opened my eyes and immediately noticed the tattoos.

"She's right you know? You are seriously hurting yourself and you need to stop. Autumn he's not worth doing this for, he doesn't deserve your tears"

"It just hurts so much" I sobbed into his shirt. He kissed my forehead, stroking my cheek.

"It will get better, it's not like it's the-" he was suddenly pulled away from me, I gasped and looked at the person that took him.


He pushed Stephen against the wall pressing his body with his snarling at him. "I knew that when she was free, you would quickly go and take my place"

I was stood frozen.

What was he doing here? Most of all, why did Kayla let him in? After everything I told her, she still let him in. Did she want to hurt me more?

As in cue, Kayla came in running. Taking Andy from Stephen, even though she was tiny she was strong.

"Get out" she growled at him, Andy ignored her and walked towards me his hand reaching out for me but I only backed away.

"Babe" he whispered.

My back hit the wall, from the corner of my eye I saw Stephen ready to take Andy but Kayla stepped forward and left the room leaving me with him. Geez thanks.

"Please leave" I said so softly, turning my head away from him.

"No not until I explain to you everything" he grabbed my face with his hands making me look into his eyes, I have missed looking at them.

"There's nothing to explain, everything is clear please leave" I took his hands away from my face, pushing him. He stumbled,  almost falling.

"It's not what you think Autumn you gotta believe me" he kneeled down in front of me taking my hands in his. I quickly snatched my hands.

"You know, I'm over you" who was I trying to kid? oh yeah me.

"That's impossible" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I rubbed my temples catching a glimpse of my ring, I cleared my throat, putting my hand behind me and quickly took the ring off.

"It is" I shrugged, he quickly got to his feet and took my left hand.

"You can't, you love me. It wouldn't be that easy...Autumn I can't live without you. I can't go around thinking that someone would take my place and would make you even more happy" I raised my eyebrows and stared down at the ground.

"No I don't" I muttered.

"Don't what?" I stood quiet, knowing that what I was about to say would be a total complete lie. "You don't love me?"

I sighed and stared at him, "no I don't"

And that did it. He quickly left without saying a word.




He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now