He's A Married Man

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okay that's Aaron

okay that's Aaron

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Autumn's POV

I stare at Aaron, running my hand through his hair, stroking his cheek, running my finger on his lips. I wasn't sure how I managed to get those words out without even thinking about it.

I gripped my collar that had my eternity ring hanging on my chest. This should be the ring laying on my finger and not the one that Aaron had put on me. I closed my eyes trying to get him out of my head but that was impossible.

Everything Aaron and I did reminded me of Andy. Aaron wasn't for me, he was the opposite of Andy. He was different.

He put his arm around my waist and kissed my temple, "Hi babe" I smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Hey"

We were in Paris, I had to model wedding dresses in front of a lot of people. It's funny, I'm engage and I'm modeling wedding dresses. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, remind me why did I said yes. Oh yeah, I was drunk, the next day I didn't even say anything about it.

"Jared is coming soon along with Michelle" I got up from the bed and put a shirt on. I needed to talk to Michelle.

"I'll go order something" I mumbled before grabbing the hotel phone and ordered whatever I saw on the menu. The door bell ringed when I had finished.

I opened the door and in came Jared, Michelle following behind him. "Wow, the show starts in six hours and you're not even ready" he shook his head at me.

"Why would I want to get ready now? I got plenty of time" I shrugged and gave Michelle a hug. "Finally, I need a girl talk" she giggled.

"What about me?"

"You are irrelevant right now, goodbye" Michelle took my hand and skipped all the way to the kitchen sitting down on the chair she waited for me start talking.

I sighed and looked down at left hand. "So I'm engaged" I gave her an awkward smile, her jaw dropped and her eyes widen.

She chuckled and shook her head, "Okay Autumn lets get serious"

"This is serious, I've been engaged for two days" she gaped at me. She stood up and took my left hand examining the ring.

"Fuck it's so pretty but damn it Autumn you can't. No. I refuse to believe this. C'mon let's go to Aaron and kiss each other so he can think we're lesbians and he'll cancel the engagement thing" She started walking towards them pulling me forcefully.

"No Michelle this is how it's supposed to go"

"No Autumn it's not. What's supposed to be happening right now is you walking down the aisle to-" I put my hand over her mouth shutting her up.

"Him and I are over for good Michelle. He's got a wife and kid" it hurt to say it but it was true. He had it all, he was happy. And I was never going to have that now.

"Autumn didn't you heard? He got a divorce a year ago, the kid isn't even his but he got full custody of her" I wanted to believe her, but what I saw that night made it impossible for me to believe that they were divorced.

"How do you know that?" She sighed and took her phone out, typing and the showing me it. "He's in band, they're pretty popular. Didn't you know that?" I shook my head at her, I knew he had a job but I never thought he was in a band.

"I always asked him but he would never tell me" Now I knew why, he was scared I would find out he was married while being with me. I found out anyway.

"Call off the engagement" I shook my head at her.

"This is what I want. I'm happy" she rolled her eyes putting her forehead on the kitchen counter.

"You are lying to yourself. You don't love him. You love Andy, you always have fuck no one believes you got over him so quickly and Jared-" she stopped abruptly.

"Jared what?"

"The day you had the photo shoot on the beach..Jared sort of called Andy and he wanted you two to meet..again but he was late and when he got there. You were gone" I immediately hated myself for not staying a little bit longer. Maybe I would of had the chance on getting back together with him and I wouldn't be in this situation.

"I should of stayed-" I was cut off when I felt I was being lifted off the ground. A kiss was planted on my lips.

"You two have been talking for an hour now" he whispered in my ear.

"Right, you two leave I'm going to start doing her makeup" With that the guys rolled their eyes and left us alone again.


I nervously gripped on the wedding dress I was wearing, I've been doing this a lot but never with this much of people. The company was pretty big.

"Stop shaking you look amazing" Michelle put her hand on my shoulder giving me a slight squeeze. I breathed in and out, this will go by fast. "Autumn it's your turn go" She pushed me making me stumble a little. This was it.

Andy's POV

Everyone started clapping when she walked out, she looked beautiful as always. That dress hugged her curves nicely, it made her breast look big along with her butt.

Her curly hair bounced in every step she took, her makeup was flawless but she would of looked better without it.

I imagined her walking down the aisle with that dress on.

I blinked and shook that thought away, it wasn't going to happen. She wouldn't want to get married to me. She hates me.

When I decided to focus on her, she was already gone and the next girl was up. I needed to find her and explain everything to her.

Autumn's POV

After two more hours, it was finally over and I finally got to go home-well not really- Jared, Michelle, Aaron and I were going to eat. I put my clothes back on and left the room.

Right when I was about to turn around, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. I looked down and recognized those tattoos.

The tattoos that I had missed so much.


Yah so this chapter is eh

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now