He's A Married Man

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I believe I've never picked a last for Autumn but because she was married to Aaron for a short period of time she was Carson, so now I have to pick one and idk what. Anywho I've signed up for the thing that it was send on Wattpad, the one where you get paid by doing what you love which is writing and I seriously need the money, so idk if ads will appear in the story and if it does while you're reading I'm sorry but please don't stop reading this book because of it.

Also, I was lying. I said that only one chapter and it's done, no, there's more to come idk how much but it's not over yet so don't worry (:

And that is how Andy looks right now, I forgot to also put that picture up so here yah go.

Autumn's POV

I felt myself being lift and put in something that felt like a bed but it was hard. I tried to clear my view but everything seemed to get even more blurrier. I gulped and looked around trying to figure out where I was or what had happened. I couldn't feel anything, I was numb.

"She's losing a lot of blood get her to the hospital quickly! She's pregnant!" That's when I remembered about Aaron, where was he?

"A-aron" I choked out, from the corner of my eye I saw two people lift a body, the body dangled, it was unconscious. But at the sight of my name tattooed on the forearm, I knew it was him.

I tried reaching him but I was too weak to even lift my arm up. "The man suffers more injuries, we have to get these two to the hospital or else we'll lose one of them"

Injuries? As in like hurt? What the hell happen.

Pain suddenly took over my body when I felt something kick me hard in the stomach. "Step on it Jerry!" a face appeared in front of me moving some of my hair out of my face. "You'll be okay, I'll make sure of it"

Andy's POV

"Daddy it doesn't fit anymore" Valerie pout when she realized that the ten dollars I gave her to put in the jar couldn't be put in because it was already full.

"I guess we have to buy a new jar" I mumbled, getting up and heading to the kitchen to find a new jar. Once I found it, I made a line hole in it and gave it to Valerie, she clapped her hands happily and put the ten dollars in.

"Daddy you need to stop cursing" she giggled and came to my side to snuggle with me. She groaned in annoyance when her hair was getting in her way. I sat up straight and pull her closer to me so I can braid her hair. "I like when you do my hair daddy, but I like it even more when Autumn does it"

"Are you saying the way I do your hair is horrible?" I mocked hurt but continue braiding her hair. She gasp and quickly shook her head almost causing me to lose where I was at.

"Never, it's just Autumn doesn't pull my hair hard like you" she curled into a tiny ball and hid her face in between her knees. She thought I'd be mad because of that but she was wrong.

"I'm sorry baby, I promise to be more careful okay?" I finished up and she whirled around and hugged me tightly.

"I love you daddy" I smiled and hugged her even tighter making her giggle and do the same.

"I love you more sweetheart" She pulled back and gave me a kiss on my cheek. She hopped off the couch and went running up her room. I sighed and stared at the wall, it sometimes calmed me down, I didn't want to think about anything, I was tired and being in the studio everyday wasn't helping. I needed a break for a few months especially now that Autumn is almost nine months pregnant.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now