He's A Married Man

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Hey ya'll, after so many years I am back and I'm trying to finish the books that I started. A little update on my life, I have a family of my own now so I've been so busy dealing with school and my kids. Anyways, I've actually been trying to log into my account for a while to continue writing but unfortunately I had forgotten my password and support wasn't much of a help, but I managed to find what email I use and I finally logged in. It's been so long I actually had to read the whole book so I can know where I left off, and let me tell ya'll I cringe at the things that I wrote cause what was 16 year old me thinking? Lol anyways, like I said I will try to finish the books that I've started. I know more than the people that used to read my books aren't here anymore and that saddens me because I promised to never leave you guys without finishing a story. So hopefully there's still some of you out there if not I'll still finish this book. Now on to the story.

Autumn's POV

"I know that the things I said about Justine isn't true, I don't know what I was thinking about" I said to Kayla with my hands on my head, I haven't been able to see my daughter after what I told Andy. Unlike Joseph he was already home with Aaron.

"You did wrong but it's not too late to fix it with him" she said.

"It is, he hates me, he doesn't want me near her or him" I sighed and got up from the couch. "I just think that i'm not ready to have kids, as selfish and horrible that sounds, i'm not ready to be a mom, like i'm recently starting my modeling career life" Kayla looked at me with sorrow eyes, "I can't just give up on all that i've worked so hard for, yes they are my kids, i'm grateful for them but i'm just not ready, i'm only 23"

"You seriously can't feel like that towards them, Autum you need to learn that after you have kids, your life isn't the same no more. You're supposed to be more mature, you can't just think about yourself. You need to think about them too" at this point i didn't know what to think about no more, I didn't know whether to listen to her or listen to myself. "What would they think about their mom when they're older and they're able to understand why you're not around them often? They're going to hate you. Autumn you won't be young forever, at some point you need to grow the fuck up and think about the consequences that are being caused by your decisions"

I stood quiet, thinking about what my next steps should be. I know i wanted the best for my daughter and son, but i wasn't sure if I was the right mother to give them the best. A mother shouldn't be selfish and stubborn, a mother is supposed to give her kids love and compassion. I wasn't that kind of mother. For now.

"I just don't know Kay, it's so hard, I need time to think through all of this" I sat down on the coach once again, letting out a sigh Kayla kneeled in front of me, grasping my hands in hers.

"What's so hard? The fact that you're going to have to be a mother or the fact that you're going to stay with Andy or Aaron?" I wasn't sure if I was worried about that too, but now that she mentioned it, it was like another weight was put on my shoulders. I love Aaron but I didn't want to be with him, we had recently gotten a divorce. Andy. Andy was a different story, I didn't know whether I even loved him or not. It was all just confusing to me.

"I don't know what to do anymore Kay, this is all so hard. I need time" She shooked her head and stood up, now looking down at me.

"You need to figure out your life Autumn, it has to be within a week or less. But it has to be now, your daughter needs you more then ever and so does your son" with that she grabbed her purse and left the house. I was left with a decision to make. I know I shouldn't be worrying about myself, it was just that I didn't have the state of mind that a mother usually has.

I was stuck.


The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I didn't think you could actually wake up with a headache because you had too much to think about. I looked around my room and it was so quiet. Memories started to roam around my mind, when Andy gave me my eternity ring, when he took me to the places that I've dreamed of going to, when we finally took a further step in our lives. He did all of this for me while I wasn't modeling, while he was lying to me. How could I do this to him? How could I do this to my kids?

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now