He's A Married Man

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One more chapter and it's done

Autumn's POV

It's been a month since I've seen Andy, I know that what I'm doing is wrong because I'm giving Aaron and Stephen the permission to see me and not Andy. Kayla has actually been yelling at me for that.

"Autumn stop whining about Andy not coming to see you, it's you that's not letting him come over" I pout, knowing that she was right. She rolled her eyes at me and went to the kitchen.

"Oh wait, did I forget to mention that.. Andy is coming in like five minutes?" my eyes widen, he's coming? in five? I tried to run up the stairs but it was no use, not with this stomach.

"I look like shit Kayla" I grunted.

"You've always looked like shit Autumn" I gaped at her causing her to burst into laughter. I glared at her but she continued on laughing. "Yeah remember when you dressed like a hobo?"

I groaned and covered my face with my hands, trying so hard to not think of those times, they were embarrassing as hell. But luckily I've gotten better. "Shut up, that was before" she rolled her eyes and say down next to me.

"When are you modeling again?"

"Three months after I give birth, right when I get out of the hospital I need to head over the gym" she choked and the chips she was eating before looking at me as in if I had two heads.

"You're joking right?" I frowned and shook my head, "Autumn you're carrying twins for fucks sake, it'll take longer than three months to be skinny again. Wait who told you that? Michelle?"

"No, my manager"

"She's a bitch" Right when I was going to defend my manager, the door bell rang. Kayla jumped off the couch and ran to the door. When she got there she was practically breathless, "Yo"

Andy half smiled at her, "Hi" his voice was so cute, sexy, I've missed him so much. Kayla opened the door more and allowed him in. When his eyes landed on me he basically jumped on me being careful not to hurt my stomach. "You don't know how much I've missed you" he mumbled in my hair.

I slightly pulled away and looked at his features, his blue eyes weren't shining like they usually did, he had bags under his eyes and his hair started to grow more, but he still looked handsome. "Me too" I whispered.

"You look beautiful" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants, my hair looks like shit, I have a giant stomach now. I look great" notice my sarcasm?

"It doesn't matter how you look, you always look beautiful to me" He laid down putting his head on my lap facing my stomach, I started running my hand through his soft hair while he traced my stretched marks that started to show.

"That is so cute gotta post it now" I heard Kayla snap a picture and she quickly started typing. I knew that she was updating it on her Instagram or Twitter, everybody knew that I was with Andy now, they knew I was pregnant but what they didn't know is that one kid is Aaron's. "Ya'll better get back together, this is driving me crazing I swear"

"We are...soon" he kept tracing my marks smiling, "permanently" what did he mean? I don't know.

"I better be the god mother" Kayla took a bite of her apple raising her eyebrows at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause I've always been there for you" Sure.


He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now