He's A Married Man

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These ideas sounded much better in my head 😂

Autumn's POV

I felt two hands on my shoulders causing me to jump, I grabbed it's wrist and turned around.

"Sorry" I mumbled, letting go off his hand and turning back around. I didn't want him here yet at the same time I did. I've missed him so much. I wanted to attack him with hugs and kisses. Telling him how much life has been difficult without him.

"Autumn can we- can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about" I mumbled again, I just don't wanna hear what you have to say.

"Yes there is Autumn and you know it" I sighed and sat down on one of the benches, he hesitantly sat down next to me and looked at his palms. "I was gonna get a divorce" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah sure you were"

"I was and I did. I got divorced a year ago" he moved closer to me reaching for my hand by I quickly snatched it away before he could grab it.

"I don't believe you, you two have a daughter"

"Valeria isn't my biological daughter, she's Madison's only..but she never wanted her and I couldn't put her in adoption. I wasn't going to do that anyway, I got full custody of her" I was quiet for a while.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked, I looked up at him waiting for an answer.

"Because I didn't want to lose you" he mumble, "but I still lost you" he ran his hand through his hair. I bit my lip wanting to so badly do that. "And for what happened that night..I don't have an explanation..I let it happen" that hurt me the most, knowing that he couldn't stop it, but I couldn't blame him, she was his wife.

I cleared my throat and stood up, "There isn't much to talk about Andy" with that I turned around and began to walk back inside but he grabbed my wrist pulling me into his arms.

"That's a lie" I didn't want to pull away but I did. "Autumn you can't"

I frowned at him, "Can't what?"

"You can't get married to him" I don't want to.

"I want to"

"You can't" I know.

"I can and I will" he suddenly reached where my necklace was. I forgot to take it off.

"You still have it" he whispered, a small smile appearing on his beautiful lips.

"I forgot to give it back to you" I unclasped my necklace and took the ring out, I grabbed his hand and put the ring on his palm. I felt empty.

"I can't do this. It hurts to know that you're getting married, it hurts to see you happy with him, it hurts to not have you in my arms, it kills me knowing you aren't mine anymore. I miss you and I'd do anything to get you back" I licked my lips and opened my mouth about to say something when I felt something warm on them. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Andy. He was kissing me.

In that moment, I didn't care about Aaron. I didn't care about anyone, just him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, he grinned against my lips and kissed me harder, his grip on my hips tighten more.

And then it was like a brick hit me on my head, I pushed him back gasping for air.

"You still love me" Yes.

"No I don't"

"You're scratching your wrist" He knew when I was lying.

"It doesn't mean anything" I saw Jared, Michelle, Aaron and what's her name walk out of the restaurant laughing at each other, but I knew that Jared and Michelle were faking it, "I'm getting married soon, don't come near me please" with that I went to Aaron's side and he immediately kissed me.

I wanted to pull away and run into Andy's arms, tell him that I did still love him that I don't want to get married, to start all over again..but I didn't have the guts to tell him that.

What's her name squealed and ran up to Andy wrapping her arms around him. "Our double date will be next week, Aaron gave me their address" Andy half smiled and pulled away from her heading to their car. She waved and left with him.

"C'mon let's go"

Next week

So I thought that the brides were supposed to plan everything but this was the complete opposite. Aaron was the one that was doing most of the planning. He's only making me do the list of family members.

"What date should we put?" He asked, biting the tip of the pen. "March..10?" How about we cancel everything.

"Yeah sure" I said, he sighed and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong?"


"There is something, you seem like you don't want to get married to me" I don't.

"You shouldn't think that, I do" I gave him a smile and he peck me on the lips before taking a look at the clock.

"We should get ready, Lily and Andy are coming over in an hour"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. Thirty minutes later, I had a red crop top on, with high waisted shorts, a flannel wrapped around my waist, and black heels. My hair was in a pony tail.

"I'm so lucky to have you" Aaron came behind me and kissed the back of my neck. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

The door bell rang and I began to feel nervous. I was going to see him, before I even get out of the room Aaron was already opening the door.

In came the Lily girl and Andy behind her. The air seemed to leave my lungs when we locked eyes. He was beautiful.

"Oh my god is this the wedding date?" Andy took the paper from Lily.

"March 10? Next month?" He looked up at me with hurt in his eyes.


•|•|•|•Skipping because why not•|•|•|•

So the date was at a beach. A beach that held so much memories, when we got here I wanted to convince everyone that we should go to another place but of course I didn't do that.

We sat down on the sand and talked, I don't know what they were talking about, I was too busy thinking about those memories.

"Babe cheer me on"


"Andy and I are going to play soccer with those guys" he pointed at the few guys that were waiting for them to come over.

"Oh okay" I got up and so did Lily, I rolled my eyes at her, though she didn't notice because she had her eyes on Aaron.

There were three more girls there, they smiled kindly at me and put me in between leaving Lily out. "I'm Lucy" the three of them introduced themselves before looking at Lily who wasn't paying attention at all.

"She's um-"

"It doesn't matter, she looks like a bitch" I didn't say anything, I just smiled.

The boys had started playing and I found myself cheering loudly but not for Aaron. I didn't even fell bad about it.

It took about two or three minutes when Aaron was the one who made a goal. He ran and cheered before coming to me and giving me a long kiss, the girls awed at us.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lily roll her eyes and turned away. You can have him. "That's for you" he whispered then ran off.

He deserved so much better, he was a sweet guy.

"Yes!" I felt myself being lifted up, I squealed and grabbed onto their shoulders. I look down to see Andy grinding widely at me and I just let it out.

"I miss you" I wrapped my arms around his hiding my face on his neck "and I love you" I whispered.

"Let go" Andy let go off me and Aaron quickly took my hand taking me with him. I looked back and saw that Andy was staring at me with shocking eyes.


There you go! She told him she misses and loves him, BUT they are not together.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now