He's A Married Man (Epilogue)

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Autumn's POV

We watched Andy sing his heart out from backstage, the music playing loud and their fans going crazy over my husband and his band mates. I looked down at the diamond ring that laid beautifully on my ring finger, smiling at the memory of how he proposed to me two years ago. We were walking around the beach, feeling the waves hit our feet's and the sound of it making it even better. We were talking about our future, what we wanted to accomplish and what we wanted for each other career wise.

He made us looked at the sunset, I was wearing a white dress that went down to my feet, it was hugging my bump perfectly. His hands were on my stomach stroking it softly, "I think my life is going to be filled with girls" we both laughed at the fact that we were expecting another baby girl.

"Can't get rid of us that easily now" he let go gently, but I was still focused on how the sun was setting. I always loved the way the sun looked, it gave me a good feeling of relaxation.

"I don't plan to, I plan to spend the rest of my life with you through thick and thin" I heard him say, I smiled and turned to look at him and give him a kiss only to find him on one knee and holding up a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes" there was nothing to think about, it was about two years that we both agreed to focus on our relationship. Thankfully it worked and we both had changed for the better and we both moved in together and raised our twins together. Andy treated Joseph like his own just how he did with Valeria.

About 10 months later we married each other in the Caribbean Islands, specifically in Saint Martin. It was a beautiful ceremony, our daughter being our flower girl and our son being the one to bring us the rings but of course with the help of our closest friends.

And now we're here, we're happily married and raising our kids the best we can.

Aaron was still in the picture and Andy was finally okay with it. He understood that Joseph was his father and he couldn't avoid him his entire life so he made things right with him. Aaron has also married Janet a year later after us and they are both expecting a baby girl.

Michelle and Jared both hooked up and are enjoying life. Kayla, well she's still Kayla, she's also enjoying her life by traveling all around the world, she would sometimes come and visit us and bring the kids gifts from her trips. To her, they are both her niece and nephew.

"Thank you everybody!" Andy's voice echoed throughout the whole stadium, his fans cheering and chanting their names. He came running backstage, once he took a glimpse of us his smile widen even more.

"Daddy!" Both Joseph and Justine screamed out running towards him with their arms wide open ready to be caught by Andy. Their giggles filled the whole backstage making people looked and awe at them. Another thing that I must add, Joseph saw Andy as his daddy number two as he calls him and Aaron was totally fine with that.

"Hey! Did you guys like the concert?" He asked both of them as he took off their headphones from their heads. They both nodded eagerly and proceed to talk to him about wanting to be like him when they grow up.

Soon after, they went over to Andy's friends Jake, Christian, and Jinx to play with their instruments. Andy pecked me on the lips and kneeled down to his two year old daughter Payton. "How's my little princess doing?" He asked while fixing a strand of her hair that had fallen out of place.

Payton giggled as Andy started to tickle her, "No daddy" something about her is that she definitely got her dad's attitude and looks as well, she was a replica of him.

"Damn girl you got some attitude"

"You did good baby" I told him hugging him around the waist, he kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you baby, where's Valeria?"

"Your mom took her to get some food since she was hungry" he laughed at how it was usual of her to get hungry all the time, that little girl had a big appetite.

"Let's go home, I want to be with my family" with that being said we left home.


"Everybody come lay down with daddy it's movie night!" Andy set down the popcorn in front of the mini table, almost instantly the kids started running down the stairs. I watched as they all got on top of Andy, making him scream out of shock. After a while they stopped playing around and sat down on the big couch we had to get considering the amount of kids we had.

I sat down next to Andy, laying down my head on his chest and hearing his heart beat.

"Can you believe Valeria is 9 years old already, Justine and Joseph are 5 and Payton is only 2" it crazy how much they had grown. "We need to have another one" his words caused me to choke on the popcorn I was chewing, he laughed and slapped me hard on my back.

I glared at him and threw him some popcorns, "I think four kids is enough"

"Yeah for now"

"Whatever dude" I turned my attention back to the TV, he had put Toy Story on for the kids to watch and not listen to our conversation.

"You know we finally have it"

"Have what?"

He looked at me and moved a strand of my hair ever so softly while smiling at me, "our happy ending"

"Yes we do"

With that, we gave each other a kiss. That spark that we always got was still there and it was never leaving.

And that is the end of He's A Married Man 🥹🥹 Thank you all for coming back to read the last few chapters of this book, it means so much to me. This book is one of my most favorites that I've written so far.

With that being said, see you guys on the other book that I'm currently working on! If you guys don't know the name it's Deep Desire, show the book some love 😩

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