He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"All we do is fight, fight, fight and fight" I sighed, "I sometimes wish we were just friends again" Kayla looked at me with a frown on her face.

"You don't mean that" she said softly sitting down next to me, putting her hand on my back. "It's bumps on the relationship, you'll get through it"

I wish it was that easy. I was beginning to think if I should stay with him or not.


"Let's go out today" Andy said he gave me a small smile grabbing my hands kissing my knuckles. "Please"

"I don't know" (what to write 😭) he sighed and let go my hand putting his head on his hands.

"Autumn we don't have time for each other anymore" I shrugged my shoulders at him, I didn't feel like going out with him because I know that we would only fight over nothing and I just didn't want to deal with that.

"Yes we do" it wasn't true though, he was right.

"Name one day we spend together"

"Right now" it came out more like a question.

"It doesn't count" he stood up and looked at his watch he had. "I'll pick you at 6 were going somewhere" he lean down and gave me a peck on the lips before leaving.

This was what he would normally do.

After one hour of debating what I should wear, I finally picked a white crop top, high waist jeans, and just my black and white huaraches. It was something simple.

"Are you rea-" Kayla stopped talking when she saw what I was wearing, she groaned and shook her head. "You're not creative"

"I don't wanna be" I said rubbing my temples, I had a big headache, it hurt so much to think.

"Put make up girl, you look sick and dead, straighten or curl your hair, right now it's a rats nest, no lie" she started brushing my hair, she pouted "why is your hair so straight, so soft and shiny, it's not fair, I would never let anything damage it if I had it" she did a line in between and just left it like that.

"It's so long" she stared at my hair in awe, I looked at her confused, my hair literally had no life in it. "Look at mine" she let her hair fall on her shoulders, she grabbed a piece and shook it, "short as fuck"

"Stop comparing yourself with me, it's not right, you are you, you are unique, you're beautiful the way you are" I smiled down at her, she was shorter than me. (I don't remember if I made autumn shorter or taller)

"That's nice" she made me sit down on my bed again before doing my make up. Once she finished she gave me a hug out of nowhere, "I'm sorry" with that she left my room.

What did she mean by that?


"Ow you ho" I laughed and winced when I touched my bottom lip where Andy had bitten.

"Yeah but I'm your ho" I rolled my eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You missed a spot"

"That's so old" I said moving his head away from me.

"It never gets old" he stood up and helped me get up from the grass. "I want take you out"

"You are?" I stared at him confused, he put his arms around my waist and pull me to him, our chest were literally touching.

"I mean out of the state, I just want to be with you for a week or more, where it's just you and me no one else" he lifted my head and stared at me, his blue eyes were so beautiful. I don't think anyone had such beautiful eyes like he has.

"I don't know if I'll be able to, I got my modeling-" he scoffed, "I can't just leave everything behind"

"I won't take you away for years Autumn, it'll only be a few weeks not two or three years, I wouldn't mind though" he then hugged me putting his chin on my shoulder, I laid my head on his chest. "I just want to be with you"

I wanted to be with him too, I was tired of getting into fights with him. Maybe this would clear things up.

"Let's leave then" I whisper in his ear, he sighed and hugged me tighter before picking me up. I put my legs around his waist.

"Yes! Oh my god baby I swear it'll be a lot of fun, I would treat you like the queen you are, I would literally take you to the moon, give you every star there is on the galaxy or whatever there is up there" I laughed and hid my face on his neck. "I love you"

I froze and opened my eyes. He put me down and stared at me waiting for an answer. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say it back, but I didn't want to ruin this either. "I love you too"

He grinned so wide, it hurt me so much to not mean it like he does, he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be lied to.

"One day I will take you to the moon" he gave me a kiss on my lips. "I promise"


I felt like shit, I wanted to die.

Why did I say it back? If he ever found out that I didn't mean it he'd be heart broken, knowing that I never loved him back, just the way like he loves me.

"You're thinking too much" a voice came behind me. I prayed that it wasn't Stephen, it had a British accent. I slowly turned around and sighed in relief when I saw that it wasn't him.

It was a friend I met when I was in Arizona, he was a British model, but he lived in Los Angeles.

"Jared don't scare me like that" I put my hands on my chest, he waved me off and sat down next to me. "Wait" I sat up straight and looked around. "How did you get in" he shrugged.

"I got my ways"

Just when I was going to say something the door opened, and in came Kayla with Stephen behind her. I groaned closed my eyes.

"Ohh Autumn who's this?" Kayla wiggled her eyes brows, pointing at Jared.

"He's a friend I met in Arizona"

"Hi friend" she held her hand out for him to shake but he only stared at it and hesitantly shook it. "I don't know your name"

"Jared" he said, she was surprised by his accent.

"Autumn how do you find British people?" I shrugged and turned my attention back to the tv.

"Hey" I turned my head at him and gave him a small smile.

"Hi" he chuckled and put his arms on my shoulder.

"Back off, she has a boyfriend" Jared said.

Kayla covered her mouth and then touched her chest and wiped a fake year before nodding her head.

"I don't see him" Stephen replied, he didn't bother removing his arms off my shoulders, he only pulled me to his side more.

Just then the door opened and Andy came in, he had a huge smile on his face, he was carrying a bouquet of flowers.

Once he saw who was sitting next to me, he's smile disappeared. "What the hell"


Hi it's been long, I've been studying a lot more for my exams I have this Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

But I get off school after that so I'll be updating more ((:

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now