He's A Married Man

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So I'm working more on my other book that I just started writing but that doesn't mean that I have stopped writing this book because I've always wanted to write this book and I am going to finish it. I just want you guys to give my other book Silent Screams a chance, I'm quite happy with that one to be honest. Anyways, let get back to the story. Oh! I'm going to skip some time..

Two Years Later

Autumn's POV

I flopped on my bed tired of being everywhere especially now since I'm modeling a lot of special things according to my manager. I didn't find it special, it was only clothes and that was it.

"Oh look who decided to show up" I covered my eyes with my hand and smiled, he laid down next to me putting his head on my chest, I stroked his soft brown hair smiling when he grabbed my hand and started doing the same.

It felt different, he wasn't him. I wanted him to be the one laying on my chest, I wanted him to be the one that slept by my side everyday, every night. I wanted him to be by my side when I wake up. I wanted him to do everything Aaron does.

Fuck, I shook my head, regretting for ever thinking that.

It has been two years since I've left him, two years since I've lost my best friend, two years in pure misery..two years of wishing him back.

You see right after Andy left the house, two weeks after Kayla and I got into a huge fight. I blamed her for everything and called her names I knew wasn't true. She couldn't even stand staring at me, she kicked me out not giving me a chance to get my clothes. I lived in a hotel for a month until I bought a house. Ever since, I haven't heard of her.

I groaned when I heard my phone ring, please don't let it be- "It's Jared" I huffed and grabbed my phone, waiting for him to start talking.

"You gotta stop doing that" I rolled my eyes and waited. "Okay since you won't talk..tomorrow we need you at 4 am sharp, at the beach that's literally now 10 minutes away"

"But I just got home" I whined, Aaron chuckled and left the room.

"I know and I'm sorry but this is your life now. So get plenty of sleep, eat and come" the line went dead and I for the first time wanted to quit my job.

3:00 A.M

"Fucking modeling" I mumbled, shutting up my alarm and getting out of my bed. I went and put a grey oversize sweater with black leggings and my black boots, seeing as there was no point on taking a shower since I'll be going to the beach. I didn't even brush my hair. I did brushed my teeth though.

I went over to Aaron seeing how he was half awake grinning sleepily at me. I gave him a peck on the lips before grabbing my keys and leaving.

After ten minutes of driving, I finally got there. Jared was sitting on a chair checking his phone, I took his phone and sat down on his lap laying my head on his shoulder.

"Did you eat?" I shook my head, he sighed and pulled me up before setting me down on the chair and going off somewhere. I was just starting to close my eyes when he suddenly sprayed water on my face.

"Jared what the hell?!" he chuckled and put food on my lap.

"You need to be awake okay? So it was the first thing that came up" he shrugged and pulled another chair to sit next to me. "So how are you two going?"

"Good I guess" I moved around the food with my fork before putting a fruit in my mouth.

"Have he said the three words?" I sighed and nodded. "And you?"

"No, and if I did I would be lying to him and myself" he nodded lacing his hands together looking at me innocently.

"I..well you know I want you to be happy right?"


"Well I hope you like your surprise" I stopped eating.

"What do you mean?"

"Your surprise is going to arrive at 4:30 so yeah" With that he left to go help with the lamps and everything.

What surprise was he talking about?


"I feel/look like a slut" Michelle- she was my personal makeup assistant..? now- laughed. They had made me wear a bra that barely fit me, it made my boobs almost fall out and the freaking underwear was tight as fuck. I am not an extra small size.

"Yeah you do" I glared at her. "But a beautiful slut"



We kept insulting each other for a while before I had to go with Jared and do the shooting.

He put his face on my neck blowing on it softly, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles. "Jared!" the photographer yelled at him.


"After this you are going to go to in the water and get wet" Jared winked at me, I gasp and hit him on his chest. "Perv"

Once again they made me change into something that didn't look slutty.

"Shit where is he?" Jared groaned and hit his forehead.

"Who?" he jumped at my voice squealing like a little girl.

"N-no one what?"


And then I was finally free again, I hanged out with Michelle for a while before going to find Jared to say bye.

"Boo you bitch!" I jumped on his back causing him to fall over me still on his back hitting it slightly.

"I swear you are going to be the death of me" I flipped my hair and looked up at him. "Why are you here?"

"Damn I can't say bye to my friend?"

"What? No you can't leave yet" I check the time.

"It's six, I'm hella tired, I need my bed, I need sleep, okay bye" I gave him a kiss on the cheek heading to my car.

Jared's POV

I watched as Autumn got in her car, waiting there for a while before driving off.

"The fucking cunt didn't get here fast!" and as in cue he arrived, why the fuck was he even here?

"Dude I'm sorry, I overslept" I rolled my eyes at him. "What can I do? Wait, why did you want me to come here?"

I sighed, "Nothing Andy, you didn't get here fast enough. You may leave"



He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now