He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"What? No, that's not true" Andy snatched the paper reading it carefully, "Damn it Autumn! You read it wrong!" I shook my head and grabbed the paper, this time reading it.

"No it says Aaron is-" I was cut off abruptly by Andy.

"No they're wrong, fuck no this isn't happening" he suddenly grabbed his phone and strayed dialing a phone number.

"What are you doing?" I asked standing up and trying to snatch his phone away but he quickly jerked back and phone the hospital. Right when I was to put a fight with him the door bell ranged. I groaned and raced to the door.

Opening I stood there shock, "Aaron?" I asked, he had one hand in his front pocket and the other was holding an orange envelope. He looked up and gave me a small smile. "Hi"

"Hey" he said, his voice cracking a little. He sighed and bit his lip, he always did that when he was nervous. I frowned at him and invited in but he shook his head. "No I came here to give you this"

Slowly he handed me the envelope and I hesitantly took it, "What is it?"

"D-divorce papers" he stuttered, my jaw dropped.

"What? no Aaron"

"Autumn, there's no need for this marriage to keep on going, there's no point of being married if we don't love each other" I felt something in my stomach move, I held onto it and stroked it gently. "Plus, you're pregnant with Andy's kids"

I had totally forgotten about that, I quickly went back to the living room and grabbed the paper that Andy had left on the table and went back outside where Aaron was stood. I handed him the paper and he carefully took it, reading it. He gasped when he got to the last part, a smile slowly started forming his face. "Is this true?"

I nodded and grinned at him, for some reason I was happy he was the father of my babies but then a part of me was disappointed it wasn't Andy. Aaron surprisingly threw his arms around me, lifting me up and twirling us around. "Holy shit this is amazing!" he exclaimed.

He stopped spinning when we heard a cough from behind us. He put me back on the ground and looked at Andy, even after everything Andy said to him, he still managed to put a smile on his face in front of him.

"Am I interrupting something?" Andy asked raising one eyebrow, something about that turned me on.

"No" I quickly said, "So now you know"

"I do but that doesn't change anything Autumn" I ran my hand through my hair and nodded.

"Doesn't change what?" Andy asked, looking confused.

"We're getting divorced" I mumbled, Andy didn't say anything after that, he only stood there quiet looking at me.

"But I'm still going to be there for the babies" Andy groaned.

"Baby" I looked up at him confused. "I called, they– well a new nurse made a mistake. Each baby, has a different father, one is mine and the other one is his"


The next day, I had to make a appointment to make sure whatever Andy said was real. At first, Andy felt like I didn't trust him anymore, I did, but not like I used to. After what he did, it wasn't easy to trust him.

"C'mon wake up, Aaron is already here" I slapped Andy's hand away and pulled the blankets over my head, blocking the sun light. "If you don't get up I'm going to carry you, and I don't care how you look" at that, I quickly got up and changed clothes, knowing I didn't have enough time to take a shower. I quickly brushed my teethes and put my shoes on.

"Can I drive?"

"No" both Andy and Aaron said, I felt like a little kid being yelled at by their parents.

Ten minutes later, we finally arrived to the hospital. We went to the front desk and told the nurse my name. "The doctor would attend you in a few"

We sat down on the chairs and waited patiently- well I was, on the other hand Aaron and Andy were pacing around the waiting room, some time sitting down but moving their legs up and down. "Guys stop moving" I almost yelled out but stopped myself when I noticed that there was a lot of people.

"I can't" I swear it was like they were twin brothers, they did and said everything at the same time.

Finally, after what seemed like years, the doctor came out calling my name. Aaron and Andy basically went inside the room without even being told to. I rolled my eyes and followed after the doctor.

"So you came here to confirm if each baby have different fathers?" I nodded and the doctor glanced at the two guys who glared at the doctor, they just wanted the answer. "Okay let's take a look at the paper"

He grabbed a paper and looked at it, "Each baby have a different father, one is Aaron's and the other one is Andrew's" I gaped at him.

"Is that even possible?" I breathe out.

"Very, woman's could have sexual intercourse with guys a different day and they could still get pregnant with their babies. It does not happen all the time but it is possible" (Sorry I didn't know how to explain it but it can happen)

"Do you know the gender?" Andy asked, the doctor nodded.

"Girl and boy"

"Which one is mine?" Aaron questioned.

The doctor sighed and looked at a different paper, "Boy"

"So I'm having a baby girl?" a smile formed on Andy's face as well as Aaron's.

This was going to be hard and awkward.


So this was kind of a boring chapter, I didn't know what to write about. But yah know, Andy is going to have a second daughter and Aaron is going to have his first son, so like that just happened.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now