He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

"Where are we going?" Andy asked, looking at me while we were walking. Kayla was by my other side, her arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Damn stop asking we're almost there" Kayla said smiling at him.

"But why are you and Autumn wearing sweatpants, crop tops, well you usually wear them it makes you look cute but-" Kayla went to his side and put her hand on his mouth.

"You ask too many questions" he rolled his eyes.


"Why-" Andy started off but stopped when Kayla groaned.

"Don't even finish that, no wait stop asking a lot of freaking questions" he held his hands up in surrender.

"This is my choreography class" I said, Kayla coughed looking at me, no glaring at me. "I mean our choreography class" she smiled at my oh so innocently.

"I didn't know you were into this" he said looking around the big room, then at the big mirror that was in front of us. "Come here" he said, already grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the mirror.

He took out his phone, pressing an app I couldn't quite see. He put an arm around my waist and literally pulled me to his chest.

"Pose or smile" he said grinning at me. He had a beautiful smile. I laid my head on his chest, putting my arm around his shoulder and my other hand on his chest, looking at the phone instead of the mirror.

He was doing the same so.

He raised an eyebrow, making a serious face. That was hot I gotta admit that.

He probably snapped like 10 or more pictures of us before releasing me.

"Damn you're hot" he said looking at the pictures, I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Okay leave me out then" I suddenly remembered that she was here. Oops.

"Okay let's do a group picture" we quickly went and started posing. After that we waited for a few minutes before the room started filling up with people.

"Autumn!" I turned around just in time when Sandra jumped into my arms. She was light as a feather. "So we heard that there was someone new coming today, also that he was pretty hot" she said winking at me. I hadn't heard anything.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"Everyone" I raised both my eyebrows, of course I'm always left out on everything.

"Nah I haven't" I shrugged my shoulders like it was nothing but fuck I wanted to meet this guy everyone was talking about.

"Oh who's that" she said looking behind me, I turned and noticed that Andy was leaning against the wall on his phone.

"He's Andy, my friend" she kept on staring at him looking up and down before licking her lips.

"I'll definitely suck that" I made a gagging noise before leaving her and going to Kayla but I was stopped by the others who were excited about the guy that was coming today and probably forever until it ends.

After a few minutes the door opened and everyone went quiet. We all looked at who came in, there were a lot of gasps going on the room even the boys.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now