He's A Married Man

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Autumn's POV

How long has it been since I've last talked to Andy? I'd say it's been a week but I'll be lying. After our argument he has come back to see his daughter, spend a few hours with her. Like I told him, I was out of my house with Joseph, or sometimes if I didn't feel like stepping out, I'll simply stay there preventing from bumping myself into him. It was hell.

He's not here anymore, after I found out that he was in a band I learned a few things of them. But the main one struck me, I read that they would constantly leave for tour. I imagined around the states but to my disappointment it was around the world. I won't lie and say I didn't like him coming, I did because it was an extra help for me. I would have a little time for myself, a little better than nothing at all.

He would FaceTime me, and I'll simply turn the camera to her, allowing him to speak to her, sing to her, her lullabies. He was honestly the best.

It's been two months, and I also needed to head back to modeling. Luckily, I was able to recover on time, my body went back to its form, and if I must say I'm pretty sure pregnancy made my curves come out even more.

"Who are you going to leave your kids with?" I rubbed my temples, I haven't had the time to even think about that.

"You?" Michelle shrugged.

"Of course, let me just quit my job here let me call my boss" she took out her phone and dialed a number. My phone started buzzing on the table in front of us. She looked at me with a "are you stupid" face. "Bitch I'll love to look after your angels but I got bills and debts to pay off, and not to mention we're going back to our regular job and you– we'll be traveling around the world too"

"I don't know what to do" I sighed in defeat slapping my hands on my thighs.

"Ask Kayla"

"I don't know" we eventually stopped talking about the situation because the babies started to whine. She helped me with them for a while before heading out.

At last, I decided to give Andy a call. I hoped he was almost done with his touring so he can look after them, but then again he would only look out for Joseph. Unfortunately Aaron was out of town as well, his modeling was taking a huge turn and he didn't want to miss it out.

"Hello" Andy's deep voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hey look I'm only calling you because I'm in a position–"

"Just say it" he interrupted me.

I closed my eyes letting out a breath. "I'm going to start modeling soon and I don't have any one to look after–" once again he interrupted me.

"Leave them with my mom" his mom... I've never met his mom before. "I'm done with tour in a week, so I'll pick her up after" yep as expected.

"I can't take one baby with me"

"Then let Aaron take care of him"

"He's working"

"Then I don't know, figure it out. But leave Justine with my mom I'll send you her address" he hanged up and almost instantly he messaged me her address. I let out a groan of frustration, my thoughts of my kids ruining my life were slowly coming back.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now